Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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APPENDIX Ultrasound Artifacts: A Virtual Chapter


Click here to see real-time cine clip of showing in region of

cauda equina (Video A.4). 5

Edge shadowing is caused by excessive refraction and commonly

occurs from the edges vessels, cystic structures, and bones.

FIG. A.10 Edge Shadowing. Note the edge shadowing artifact

behind the posterior aspect of the fetal skull. The beam bends at curved

surface and loses intensity, producing a shadow (arrow). 7 (See Chapter

34, Fig. 34.3.)

FIG. A.9 Shadowing. Shadowing from dense plaque prevents

assessment of color low in that region. Note that there must be low

present because similar color is visualized before and after the shadow. 6

(See Chapter 26, Fig. 26.8.)

FIG. A.11 Edge Shadowing 2. Endometrial polyp shows both through

transmission behind the cystic spaces and edge shadowing at the

margins of the cysts. 4 (See Chapter 15, Fig. 15.14B.)

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