Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 11 The Adrenal Glands 423




FIG. 11.8 Simple Adrenal Cysts in Two

Patients. (A) Sagittal sonogram demonstrates an

anechoic thin-walled cyst (arrow). (B) Sagittal and

(C) transverse images show a large simple cyst with

through transmission and a thin wall.

Infectious and Inlammatory Masses

Tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, paracoccidiomycosis,

meningococcal, echinococcal, cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpesvirus,

and Pneumocystis infections are the most common infectious

diseases of the adrenal gland. 27,41,42

Tuberculosis of the adrenal gland has been noted to be one

of the most common causes of adrenal insuiciency worldwide. 43

Chest radiographs and sputum cultures may be negative even

in cases of positive adrenal tuberculous infection. Tuberculosis

and histoplasmosis are the two most common causes of adrenal

calciication in the adult population. 44 In the setting of disseminated

fungal infection, histoplasmosis and paracoccidiomycosis

are most commonly seen, where up to 80% have adrenal involvement

based on autopsy series. 45-47

Echinococcal infection of the adrenal gland rarely occurs in

isolation and is more oten seen in the presence of widespread

multiorgan echinococcal infection. 47,48

Immunosuppression resulting from acquired immunodeiciency

syndrome (AIDS), transplantation, or other causes

increases these patients’ risk for infectious involvement of the

adrenal gland. Common organisms include fungi (histoplasmosis),

mycobacteria, CMV, herpesvirus, Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci),

human immunodeiciency virus (HIV), and toxoplasmosis. 41

Grizzle 42 described focal or difuse damage of the glands by CMV

in 70% of AIDS patients who died. In a study involving 74 AIDS

patients, Pulakhandam et al. found that up to 50% had CMV

infection at autopsy, of which 84% had adrenal involvement. 49

Bacterial adrenal abscesses are found more frequently in

neonates and are relatively uncommon in adults. 50,51 In the

neonate, hematogenous seeding of normal glands or those afected

by hemorrhage can result in abscess formation. 52

Sonographic Features

Sonographic features are indistinguishable among these infections,

and diagnosis is based on the patient’s geographic proile,

occupational exposure, and laboratory testing. Acute adrenal

involvement in granulomatous infections can lead to enlargement

of the gland, with nodular contours and hypervascularity.

Superimposed areas of necrosis and hemorrhage can also be

seen in cases of caseous necrosis. In the chronic setting, gland

atrophy and calciications can be present, which appear as

coarse echogenic foci with acoustic shadowing. 19,20 (Fig. 11.10,

Video 11.4).

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