Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 8 The Gastrointestinal Tract 295




FIG. 8.45 Closed-Loop Obstruction. (A) Plain ilm is unremarkable.

(B) Sonogram shows grossly dilated, gasless, luid-illed,

small bowel loops. (C) Single loop shows a suggestive C or U


Paralytic Ileus

Paralytic ileus is a type of bowel obstruction related to adynamic

function of the bowel wall. Paralysis of the intestinal musculature,

in response to general or local insult, may impede the progression

of luminal contents. Although the lumen remains patent, no

progression occurs. Sonography is usually of little value because

these patients characteristically have poor-quality sonograms

resulting from large quantities of gas in the intestinal tract.

However, on rare occasions, the sonogram may demonstrate

dilated, luid-illed, very quiet, or aperistaltic loops of intestine.

A luid-luid level in a dilated loop is characteristic of paralytic

ileus, relecting lack of movement of the intestinal contents (see

Fig. 8.43).

Gut Edema

Patients with acute vasculitis of various causes may present with

acute abdominal pain and ascites, with massive edema of the

small bowel wall seen as the major abnormality on imaging.

Hypoalbuminemia, congestive heart failure, and spontaneous

venous thrombosis may also show difuse edema of the gut wall.

Prominent, thickened, hypoechoic valvulae conniventes (Fig.

8.47) and gastric rugae are relatively easy to recognize on the

sonographic study, which should also include Doppler evaluation

of the mesenteric and portal veins.

Gastrointestinal Tract Infections

Although luid-illed, actively peristaltic gut may be seen with

infectious viral or bacterial gastroenteritis, most afected patients

do not demonstrate a sonographic abnormality. However, some

pathogens, notably Yersinia enterocolitica, Mycobacterium

tuberculosis, and Campylobacter jejuni, produce highly suggestive

sonographic abnormalities in the ileocecal area, as described

earlier. Certain high-risk populations, such as those with AIDS

and neutropenia, 64 appear to be susceptible to acute typhlitis

and colitis, which also have a highly suggestive sonographic


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