Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-50 Index

Pyloric muscle

hypertrophy of

minimal, in pylorospasm, 1836–1838, 1838f

in pyloric stenosis, 1835–1838, 1835b,


tangential imaging artifacts of, 1834–1835, 1836f

Pyloric stenosis

dilated fetal stomach diferentiated from, 1307,


hypertrophic, 1835–1838, 1835b, 1837f–1838f

pitfalls in diagnosis of, 1838, 1838b, 1839f

pylorospasm and minimal muscular,

1836–1838, 1838f

Pylorospasm, 1836–1838, 1838f

Pyoceles, scrotal, 835f, 836

Pyogenic bacteria, liver abscesses from, 85–86, 87f

pediatric, 1746–1747, 1751f


genitourinary tract infections and, 325, 326f

pediatric, complicating acute pyelonephritis,

1793, 1794f

renal transplantation complication with, 651,


Pyosalpinx, 587–588


Quadrigeminal cistern, 1518


Rachischisis, 1218

deinition of, 1225t

Radial arteries, 531–532

calciication of, evaluation for, 998, 998f

for coronary bypass grat, evaluation of,

977–978, 980f

pseudoaneurysm of, 977f

Radial ray anomalies, 1103f

Radial ray defects, 1400–1401, 1401f–1402f

Radial veins, normal anatomy of, 990–991

Radiation forces, 35

Radical prostatectomy

for prostate cancer, 400, 401f

TRUS-guided biopsy ater, 411, 411f

Radiofrequency ablation, for autonomously

functioning thyroid nodules, 720

Radiography, for skeletal dysplasia evaluation, 1384

Radiotherapy, external beam, for prostate cancer,

400–401, 401f

Radius, aplastic or hypoplastic, in Fanconi

pancytopenia, 1400, 1402f

Ranula, pediatric, 1639–1640, 1640f

Ranunculi, 313

in kidney development, 1781, 1781f

Rapidly involuting congenital hemangiomas,

cutaneous, 1742–1743

Rapunzel syndrome, trichobezoars and, 1840

RAR. See Renal aortic ratio

Rarefaction, in sound wave, 2, 2f

RCC. See Renal cell carcinoma

Real-time B-mode ultrasound, 9–10, 10f

Receiver, 8–9, 8f–9f

Receiver gain, in obstetric sonography, 1036

Rectal cleansing, prior to TRUS, 387

Rectouterine recess, 528

Rectum, carcinoma of, 301–302, 301f–304f

Red blood cell production, decreased, from fetal

hydrops, 1431

Red cell alloimmunization, screening fetus with

hydrops for risk of, 1421–1423, 1421b,

1422f, 1422t

Relected sound, 3–4

Relection, in acoustics, 4, 5f

Relection coeicient, 4


difuse, 4, 5f

specular, 4, 4b, 5f

Relux nephropathy, CKD and, 1796–1798

Refraction, 5, 6f


acute, renal transplantation abnormalities and,


chronic, renal transplantation abnormalities and,

1810, 1812f

in liver transplantation, pediatric, 1767

in pancreas transplantation, 678–679, 681f

in renal transplantation

acute, 649–651, 653f

chronic, 651, 654f

Remapping, of amplitudes, 9

Renal agenesis, 318–319

Renal aortic ratio (RAR), 450

Renal artery(ies)

accessory, 445–446

anatomy of, 445–446

aneurysms of, 369, 369f, 451

duplex Doppler sonography of, 447–450, 450f

false-positive/false-negative results with, 450,


interpretation of, 450


absent, 1344f

normal, 1344f

infarction of, 366, 367f

occlusion of, 366


patency, Doppler assessment of, 1803–1804

stenosis of, Doppler assessment of, 1805,

1805t, 1806f

polar, 445–446

stenosis of, 368–369, 368f

causes of, 447

Doppler assessment of, pediatric, 1809

false-positive Doppler diagnosis of, 658, 661f

intraparenchymal, 658

pediatric, Doppler assessment of, 1805, 1805t,


in pediatric patients, 447

ater renal transplantation, 655–658, 656b,


renovascular hypertension and, 446–447, 446b

thrombosis of, ater renal transplantation,

653–655, 657f

Doppler assessment of, pediatric, 1807–1809,


Renal biopsies, pediatric, Doppler assessment of,

1809, 1810f–1811f

Renal calculi, 334–336, 336f–337f

entities that mimic, 336, 337b, 337f

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)

acquired cystic kidney disease and, 340

biopsy of, 343–344, 345f

classic diagnostic triad for, 340

cystic, 343, 343f

Doppler ultrasound for detection of, 343, 344f

genitourinary tumors and, 340–344

histologic subtypes of, 340

imaging approaches to, 341, 341f

interpretation pitfalls with, 344, 345f

necrotic, 343

papillary, 342

pediatric, 1820, 1821f

prognosis of, 343–344

radiofrequency ablation of, 341, 341f

sonographic appearance of, 341–343, 342f–344f

treatment approaches to, 341

von Hippel-Lindau disease and, 340

Renal collecting system, pediatric. See also

Hydronephrosis, pediatric, causes of

dilation of, 1785

duplication of, 1783–1784, 1784f

urolithiasis and, 1799–1801, 1799f

Renal cortex, 313, 313f

Renal duplication, pediatric, 1783–1784, 1784f

Renal dysgenesis, 361

Renal dysplasia, 361, 1689

obstructive cystic, 1347–1348, 1347f–1348f

Renal hilum, 311–313

Renal junctional parenchymal defect, 1781,


Renal medullary pyramids, 313, 313f

Renal milk of calcium, calyceal diverticula and,

1799, 1800f

Renal parenchyma, 313

Renal pelvic diameter (RPD), 1354, 1354f

normal, 1355

Renal pelvic echo, 1339

Renal pelvis. See also Hydronephrosis

adenocarcinoma of, 348


diameter of, measurement of, 1354, 1354f

dilation of, 1354


duplication of, 1784f

wall thickening in, from acute pyelonephritis,

1792, 1793f

Renal sinus, 311–313

Renal transplantation, 641–666

abnormal, 649

AVMs complicating, 661–664, 667f–670f

twinkling artifacts mimicking, 662–664,


cadaveric kidneys in, paired, 643–644, 648f

for chronic renal failure, 641

donor renal vein anastomosis in, 643

luid collections ater, 664–666, 671f–674f

hematomas ater, 665, 671f

infarctions ater

global, 653

segmental, 653–655, 657f

lymphoceles ater, 665–666, 673f–674f

pediatric, 1809, 1811f

normal appearance of, 644–648

Doppler ultrasound assessment in, 648,


gray-scale assessment in, 644–648, 648f–650f

parenchymal pathology complicating, 649–653

abscesses as, 651, 656f

acute rejection as, 649–651, 653f

acute tubular necrosis as, 649–651, 653f

chronic rejection as, 651, 654f

emphysematous pyelonephritis as, 653, 657f

hyperacute rejection and, 651

infections as, 651–653, 655f–657f

milk of calcium cysts as, 653, 657f

pediatric, 1809–1810, 1812f

pyonephrosis as, 651, 655f


Doppler ultrasound for, 1807–1812

parenchymal abnormalities and, 1809–1810,


perinephric luid collections in, 1809, 1811f

tumors of, 1812, 1813f

urologic complications and, 1810–1812

vascular complications in, 1807–1809, 1808f,


perinephric abscesses ater, 664–665

postrenal collecting system obstruction

complicating, 630f–633f, 659–661

prerenal vascular complications of, 653–659

arterial thrombosis as, 653–655, 657f

renal artery stenosis as, 655–658, 656b,


renal vein stenosis as, 658–659, 663f

venous thrombosis as, 658, 662f

pseudoaneurysms ater, 664, 669f–670f

PTLD ater, 683–688, 684f–686f

surgical technique for, 641–644, 648f

ureter anastomosis of in, 643, 648f

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