Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 9 The Kidney and Urinary Tract 343

From 5% to 7% of all RCCs are cystic tumors. 162 Four histologic

growth patterns within cystic RCCs have been described:

multilocular, unilocular, necrotic (cystic necrosis), and tumors

originating in a simple cyst 163 (Figs. 9.48 and 9.49). Recognition

of subtypes have clinical signiicance because the multilocular

FIG. 9.48 Cystic Growth Patterns of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Upper

pole, Multilocular; upper lateral, unilocular; lower lateral, cystic necrosis;

lower pole, origin in the wall of a simple cyst. (With permission from

Yamashita Y, Watanabe O, Miyazaki H, et al. Cystic renal cell carcinoma.

Acta Radiol. 1994;35:19-24. 162 )

and unilocular subtypes are less aggressive. 162 At sonography,

multilocular cystic RCC appears as a cystic mass with internal

septations. hese septations may be thick (>2 mm), nodular,

and may contain calciication (see Fig. 9.47). he characteristic

ultrasound appearance of a unilocular cystic RCC is a debris-illed

mass with thick, irregular walls that may be calciied. he appearance

of necrotic RCCs depends on the degree of tumor necrosis.

Tumors originating in a simple cyst are rare (excluding VHL

patients). At ultrasound, a mural tumor nodule will be found at

the base of a simple cyst. A combined approach with helical CT

and ultrasound allows accurate characterization of the internal

nature of most cystic renal lesions. 164

he use of Doppler ultrasound 165 for detection of tumor

vascularity has been reported. Most malignant renal tumors

(70%-83%) have Doppler shit frequency of 2.5 kHz. 165-169 Similar

changes may be noted with inlammatory masses; however,

patients with renal infection should be clinically apparent.

Unfortunately, the absence of high-frequency Doppler shit does

not exclude malignancy. 168 Conirmation of blood low within

malignant solid and cystic renal tumors has also been performed

with microbubble contrast agents and low–mechanical index

pulse inversion sonography. Criteria for neovascularity used with

CT or MRI for mass characterization—septal and nodular

enhancement—can also be used with stable, second-generation

ultrasound contrast agents 170,171 (Fig. 9.50). However, lack of US

Food and Drug Administration approval, reimbursement issues,

and logistics associated with technologist/radiologist-intensive,

contrast-enhanced sonography protocols have hindered widespread

adoption of this technique.

Biopsy and Prognosis

Recent pathologic and biopsy series of small (<3 cm), solid

enhancing renal masses have shown that a surprising number

of these lesions are benign (i.e., AML, oncocytoma, metanephric

adenoma). Moreover, image-directed needle biopsy (aspiration

or core) has been shown to be a relatively safe and usually

conclusive procedure. 172-176 Further advances in immunohistology

and greater acceptance of percutaneous ablation techniques





FIG. 9.49 Renal Cell Carcinoma Within Cyst. (A) Complex cyst with mural nodule. (B) Color Doppler shows low within septation. (Courtesy

of Vikram Dogra, MD.)

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