Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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694 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography

he sternohyoid and omohyoid muscles (strap muscles) are

seen as thin, hypoechoic bands anterior to the thyroid gland

(see Fig. 19.2). he sternocleidomastoid muscle is seen as a

larger oval band that lies lateral to the thyroid gland. An important

anatomic landmark is the longus colli muscle, located posterior

to each thyroid lobe, in close contact with the prevertebral space.

he recurrent laryngeal nerve and the inferior thyroid artery

pass in the angle among the trachea, esophagus, and thyroid

lobe. On longitudinal scans, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and

inferior thyroid artery may be seen between the thyroid lobe

and esophagus on the let and between the thyroid lobe and

longus colli muscle on the right. he esophagus, primarily a

midline structure, may be found laterally and is usually on the

let side. It is clearly identiied by the target appearance of bowel

in the transverse plane and by its peristaltic movements when

the patient swallows.

FIG. 19.4 Normal Thyroid Vascularity on Power Doppler


FIG. 19.5 Normal Inferior Thyroid Vein. Longitudinal power Doppler

image shows a large inferior thyroid vein with associated normal venous

spectral waveform.



Congenital conditions of the thyroid gland include aplasia of

one lobe or the whole gland, varying degrees of hypoplasia, and

ectopia (Fig. 19.6). Sonography can be used to help establish

the diagnosis of hypoplasia by demonstrating a diminutive gland.

High-frequency ultrasound can also be used in the study of

congenital hypothyroidism (CH), a relatively common disorder

occurring in about 1 in 3000 to 4000 live births. Determining

the cause of CH (dysgenesis, dyshormonogenesis, or pituitary

or hypothalamic hypothyroidism) is clinically important because

prognosis and therapy difer. Early initiation of therapy can

prevent mental retardation and delayed bone development. 10,11

Measurement of thyroid lobes can be used to diferentiate

aplasia (absent gland) from goitrous hypothyroidism (gland

enlargement). Radionuclide scans are more oten used to detect

ectopic thyroid tissue (e.g., in a lingual or suprahyoid



Many thyroid diseases can manifest clinically with one or more

thyroid nodules. Such nodules represent common and controversial

clinical problems. Epidemiologic studies estimate that



FIG. 19.6 Congenital Thyroid Abnormalities. (A) Hypoplasia of right thyroid lobe. C, Carotid artery; Tr, tracheal air shadow. (B) Ectopic

(sublingual) thyroid gland. Transverse ultrasound image inferior to the base of the tongue shows a U-shaped parenchymal structure.

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