Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 34 The Fetal Brain 1191




FIG. 34.18 Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM) at 22

Weeks. (A) Oblique axial view at 34 weeks shows enlarged

cisterna magna with keyhole deformity in this fetus with

DWM. (B) and (C) Corresponding magnetic resonance image

at 38 weeks. Note the elevated tentorium on the midsagittal


Dandy-Walker variant; Dandy-Walker continuum; (inferior)

vermian hypoplasia, dysgenesis, or agenesis; and Blake pouch

cyst. 30 he currently accepted term is vermian hypoplasia or

dysplasia. Problems have arisen because on standard axial cerebellar

views the Blake pouch can mimic this appearance. 28

he vermis develops superiorly to inferiorly. Hypoplasia or

developmental arrest results in varying-size deicits of the inferior

portion, leaving a relatively square defect that communicates

with the fourth ventricle and separates the lower cerebellar

hemispheres. In general, the posterior fossa is not enlarged.

Midsagittal scans, 3-D imaging, and MRI are important to evaluate

the size and shape of the vermis and the shape of the fourth

ventricle and to determine if normal early issures have

developed. 30,59,169,171

here are diagnostic pitfalls. Hypoplasia or dysplasia should

not be diagnosed earlier than 18 weeks, before vermian development

is complete. On routine axial scans an excessively steep

scanning angle may give the appearance of a prominent clet

between the lower portions of the cerebellar hemispheres that

mimics vermian hypoplasia 30,178 (see Fig. 34.7B-C).

True cases of vermian hypoplasia are usually associated

with additional abnormalities similar to those seen with DWM,

and these help conirm the diagnosis (Fig. 34.19). Vermian

hypoplasia can be associated with several syndromes, including

Joubert and related syndromes, Walker-Warburg syndrome,

cerebro-oculo-muscular syndrome, and pontocerebellar

syndrome. 30,175

Counseling is diicult. In one series, up to 50% of fetuses

with the characteristic ultrasound indings of vermian dysplasia

were functionally normal ater delivery. 179 Ultrasound indings

more likely to predict true abnormality were trapezoidal vermian

defect, cisterna magna larger than 10 mm, and complete aplasia

of the vermis. In contrast, normal cases tended to have a keyholeshaped

defect. 174 Prenatal MRI is helpful but also has limitations.

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