Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1252 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography





FIG. 36.6 Bronchopulmonary Sequestration With Effusion. (A) Axial image of the fetal chest demonstrates a left pleural effusion with

moderate mediastinal shift to the right. (B) Axial and (C) coronal color Doppler images show a systemic feeding vessel coursing into the echogenic

left lower lobe. (D) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI shows the high signal intensity left lower lobe mass with a moderate surrounding effusion.

follow-up is required because air trapping and respiratory distress

may necessitate lobar resection. 102


Pleuropulmonary blastoma is a rare primary neoplasm originating

from the pleuropulmonary mesenchyme (previously called

pulmonary blastoma or malignant mesenchymoma). 104 hree

pleuropulmonary blastoma types have been described: type I

(exclusively cystic), type II (mixed cystic and solid lesion), and

type III (predominantly solid mass). 105

Seen on ultrasound, pleuropulmonary blastoma appears as

a complex macrocystic lesion in the chest, indistinguishable from

a CPAM. Features that help diferentiate pleuropulmonary

blastoma from CPAM include a positive family history, presence

of multifocal lesions, and association with pleural efusion. 106

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