Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 1 Physics of Ultrasound 27

FIG. 1.40 Impedance. High-resistance waveform in brachial artery (A), produced by inlating forearm blood pressure cuff to a pressure

above the systolic blood pressure. As a result of high peripheral resistance, there is low systolic amplitude and reversed diastolic low. Low-resistance

waveform in peripheral vascular bed (B), caused by vasodilation stimulated by the prior ischemia. Immediately after release of 3 minutes of

occluding pressure, the Doppler waveform showed increased amplitude and rapid antegrade low throughout diastole.

Fig. 1.40 provides a graphic example of the changes in the

Doppler spectral waveform resulting from physiologic changes

in the resistance of the vascular bed supplied by a normal brachial

artery. A blood pressure cuf has been inlated to above systolic

pressure to occlude the distal branches supplied by the brachial

artery. his occlusion causes reduced systolic amplitude and

cessation of diastolic low, resulting in a waveform diferent than

that found in the normal resting state. During the period of

ischemia induced by pressure cuf occlusion of the forearm vessels,

vasodilation has occurred. Immediately ater release of the

occluding pressure the Doppler waveform relects a low-resistance

peripheral vascular bed with increased systolic amplitude and

rapid low throughout diastole, typical for vasodilation.

Doppler indices include the systolic-to-diastolic ratio (S/D

ratio), resistive index (RI), and pulsatility index (PI) (Fig. 1.41).

hese compare blood low in systole and diastole, show resistance

to low in the peripheral vascular bed, and help evaluate the

perfusion of tumors, renal transplants, the placenta, and other

organs. With Doppler ultrasound, it is therefore possible to

identify vessels, determine the direction of blood low, evaluate

narrowing or occlusion, and characterize blood low to organs

and tumors. Analysis of the Doppler shit frequency with time

can be used to infer both proximal stenosis and changes in distal

vascular impedance. Most work using pulsed wave Doppler

imaging has emphasized the detection of stenosis, thrombosis,

and low disturbances in major peripheral arteries and veins. In

these applications, measurement of peak systolic and end diastolic

FIG. 1.41 Doppler Indices. Doppler low indices used to characterize

peripheral resistance are based on the peak systolic frequency or

velocity (A), the minimum or end diastolic frequency or velocity (B),

and the mean frequency or velocity (M). The most frequently used

indices are the systolic-to-diastolic ratio (A/B); resistive index [(A-B)/A];

and pulsatility index [(A-B)/M]. In calculation of the pulsatility index,

the minimum diastolic velocity or frequency is used; calculation of the

systolic-to-diastolic ratio and resistive index use the end diastolic value.

frequency or velocity, analysis of the Doppler spectrum, and

calculation of certain frequency or velocity ratios have been the

basis of analysis. Changes in the spectral waveform measured

by indices comparing low in systole and diastole indicate the

resistance of the vascular bed supplied by the vessel and the

changes resulting from a variety of pathologic conditions.

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