Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-39

Mesentery, small bowel, 505, 505f

Mesoblastic nephroma

congenital, 1352–1353, 1353f

pediatric, 1818–1820, 1821f

Mesocardia, 1273

Mesocolon, transverse, inlammation of, in acute

pancreatitis, 224–225, 226f

Mesoderm layer, of trilaminar embryonic disc,

1216–1217, 1217f

Mesomelia, 1381, 1381b, 1382f

Mesonephric (wolian) duct, 820–821

Mesonephros, 311, 312f, 1336–1338

Mesorchium, torsion of, pediatric, 1325

Mesosalpinx, 564–565


cardiac, in infants, 1293

multicystic, 508–509

pediatric, 1712f

peritoneal, primary, 513, 516f

Mesovarium, 564–565

Metabolic disorders

fetal hydrops from, 1432

of liver, 91–96

neonatal jaundice caused by, 1734

neonatal/infant brain abnormalities from,


Metabolic syndrome, fatty liver in, 91

Metabolism, inborn errors of, jaundice and,

1738–1740, 1739b, 1740f

Metacarpophalangeal joint, injection of, short-axis

approach to, 901

Metanephrogenic blastema, in kidney

development, 311, 312f

Metanephros, 311, 312f, 1053–1054, 1336–1338


adrenal, 425–426, 426f–427f

to biliary tree, 188, 192f

bladder, 354–355, 355f

of breast cancer, lymph node assessment for,

807–810, 808f–810f

characterization of, with microbubble contrast

agents, 106f

drop, 266, 267f

gastrointestinal, 266, 267f

genitourinary tract tumors and, 354–355

of liver, 124–129, 126f–130f

bulls-eye pattern of, 125, 127f

calciied, 125, 128f

CEUS diagnosis of, 128–129, 130f

cystic, 125, 128f

echogenic, 125, 128f

hypoechoic, 125, 127f–128f

iniltrative, 125–128, 126f

pediatric, 1746, 1750f

target pattern of, 125, 127f

neuroblastoma, paratesticular, 1903–1904

ovarian, 585, 586f

pancreatic, 251, 251f

pediatric, neck, 1666–1667, 1667f

peritoneal, 510

renal, 354, 355f

retroperitoneal, 464, 465f

salivary gland, pediatric, 1639

to spleen, cystic, 148


nodular lesions in, 152, 154f

percutaneous needle biopsy of, 608f

solid lesions in, 153, 155f

testicular, 822b, 826–829, 826b

hamartomas as, 829, 829f

leukemia as, 827, 828f

lymphoma as, 826–827, 828f

myeloma as, 827–829

pediatric, 1901

Metastasis(es) (Continued)

of thyroid gland, 709, 710f

ureteral, 354

Metastatic nodal disease, pediatric, neck,

1666–1667, 1667f

Metatarsophalangeal joints, injection of, short-axis

approach to, 900f, 901

Methotrexate, in ectopic pregnancy management,

1076, 1076f

Metopic craniosynostosis, 1137f

MI. See Mechanical index

Micrencephaly, 1194

Microabscesses, splenic, 150–152, 154f


acoustic behavior of, regimens of, 57t, 58–59, 59f

as contrast agents, 53–54, 54f

behavior of, incident pressure and, 56–58, 57t

disruption of, 64–67, 66f

FNH characterization with, 106, 106f, 108t,


future of technology for, 68–69, 69f–70f

HCC characterization with, 106, 106f

hemangioma characterization with, 106,

106f–107f, 108t

inertial cavitation and, 67–68

lesional enhancement with, 105, 106f–107f,


liver mass characterization with, 105–106,

106f–107f, 108t, 109f–110f

MI and, 58, 58b, 105

need for, 56–58, 57f

regulation of, 68

safety of, 67–68

resonance of, in ultrasound ield, 58, 59f

Microcalciications, in thyroid nodules, papillary

carcinoma and, 699, 702f

Microcephaly, 1135–1136

fetal brain and, 1194, 1195f

sloped forehead in, 1139, 1141f

Microcolon, fetal, in MMIHS, 1362–1363,


Microcysts, in breast, 782, 784f

Microemboli, cerebral, in pediatric procedures,


Microembolization, intraoperative, TCD detection

of, 950

Microencephaly, temperature increase in utero

and, 1037

Microgallbladder, in biliary atresia, 1737, 1738f

Micrognathia, 1153–1154, 1158f

campomelic dysplasia and, 1395

Microlithiasis, 194–195

acute pancreatitis and, 221

testicular, pediatric, 1904, 1904f

Microlithiasis, testicular, 833, 833b, 834f

Microlobulations, in breast sonography, 789, 791f

Micromelia, fetal, 1381, 1381b, 1382f

in achondrogenesis, 1391, 1391f

in lethal skeletal dysplasia, 1386

in osteogenesis imperfecta type II, 1391–1392,



with decreased thoracic circumference, 1387t

in hypophosphatasia, 1392

in thanatophoric dysplasia, 1387

Micromelic dysplasia, features of, 1397t

Micronodular cirrhosis, 92–93

Micropenis, fetal, 1367


midface hypoplasia with, 1149f

sonographic evaluation of, 1140, 1145f, 1147b

temperature increase in utero and, 1037

microRNAs, ibrous cap thinning and, 920

Microstomia, 1154


hypotelorism and, 1142f

incidence of, 1148

Midaortic syndrome, renal artery stenosis and, 447

Middle cerebral artery (MCA)

cerebroplacental ratio and, 1458, 1460f

cerebrovascular disease indicators with SCD

and, 1600f, 1604f–1605f

Doppler ultrasound of

in fetal alloimmunization detection, 1421,


in fetal assessment, 1458–1460, 1460f

neonatal/infant, in coronal imaging, 1514

occlusion of, leptomeningeal collaterals and,


PSV of blood low in, 1421–1423, 1421b,


as transtemporal approach landmark, 1592,


Midface abnormalities, 1148–1153. See also Clet


absent nasal bone as, 1133–1134, 1150f

clet lip and palate as, 1151–1153

hypoplasia as, 1148, 1149f–1150f

Midface hypoplasia, craniosynostosis and,


Midgut, 1304–1305

physiologic herniation of, 1077, 1077f, 1322,


omphalocele confused with, 1325, 1327f


intestinal malrotation with, 1841–1842,


“whirlpool” sign of, 1841–1842, 1843f

Midline, in sagittal imaging of neonatal/infant

brain, 1515, 1516f

Midline falx, fetal, sonographic view of, 1024f

Migrational abnormalities, corpus callosum

agenesis and, 1526–1528

Mikulicz disease, 1635

Milk allergy, gastric mucosa thickening and,


Milk of calcium

bile, 194, 195f

breast cysts and, 775, 776f–777f

cysts, as renal transplantation complication, 653,


renal, calyceal diverticula and, 1799, 1800f

Miller-Dieker syndrome, 1195


abnormal, in achondrogenesis, 1391, 1391f


in hypophosphatasia, 1392, 1395f

in osteogenesis imperfecta type II, 1392,


of thalamostriate vessels, 1203, 1204f

Minimal-access parathyroidectomy (MAP), 749,


MIP. See Maximum-intensity projection

Mirizzi syndrome, 174, 174f

Mirror syndrome, fetal hydrops prognosis and,


Misregistration, of structure, 5, 6f

Misregistration artifacts, 3f, 420–421

Mitral regurgitation, fetal, hydrops from,


Mitral stenosis, fetal, hydrops from, 1423–1424

MLCN. See Multilocular cystic nephroma

MMIHS. See Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal

hypoperistalsis syndrome

M-mode echocardiography, fetal, 1275,


M-mode ultrasound, 9, 9f

MMPs. See Matrix metalloproteinases

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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