Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1476 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography




FIG. 43.16 Maternal Floor Infarction. (A) Transabdominal sonogram

of a third-trimester placenta shows an echogenic mass (arrow) emanating

from the basal plate into the placenta. (B) In another patient, color

Doppler sonogram late in the second trimester demonstrates a placental

subchorionic cyst (arrow). (C) In another patient, highly echogenic

basal plate (arrows) suggests basal plate infarction.

he most common benign tumor of the placenta is the

chorioangioma, occurring in approximately 1% of pregnancies

(Fig. 43.19). Although most are asymptomatic, large chorioangiomas

can lead to high-output fetal cardiac failure, anemia,

hydrops, and death. 112 Chorioangiomas appear as wellcircumscribed

solid tumors in the placenta. hey can range from

hypoechoic to hyperechoic compared to the echogenicity of the

placenta. A threshold of 5 cm in diameter typically portends a

high risk for adverse outcome. 113,114 Use of color or power Doppler

ultrasound is helpful to identify increased blood low within the

solid mass, thereby distinguishing the mass as a chorioangioma.

115,116 Blood low is not consistently demonstrable, especially

with smaller chorioangiomas; those with low low tend to have

a better outcome, whereas chorioangiomas with extremely elevated

low usually are associated with adverse perinatal outcome,

commonly through high-output heart failure. hese pregnancies

require close follow-up and surveillance for polyhydramnios and

other signs of fetal hydrops. 117,118 Decreasing blood low, as

documented by color or power Doppler ultrasound, signals an

improved prognosis. 118 hree-dimensional power Doppler can

assist with the diagnosis of chorioangioma and can be used to

quantitate blood low to the tumor. 113

In cases where the fetus is at risk for hydrops, in utero

intervention improves perinatal outcomes. Interventions have

included injection of thrombogenic material, 119 microcoil

embolization, 120 and endoscopic laser devascularization, 121 in

utero transfusion, amnioreduction (for those with polyhydramnios),

and alcohol injection. 122

Maternal malignancies rarely metastasize to the placenta.

Malignant melanoma and adenocarcinoma of the breast, pancreas,

and colon are most common. 123,124 hese deposits are typically

microscopic and do not interfere with placental function.

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