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CHAPTER 5 The Spleen 153



FIG. 5.18 Calciied Granulomas in a Patient With Sarcoidosis. (A) Multiple tiny bright foci throughout the spleen, some demonstrating

posterior shadowing. (B) Computed tomography scan after intravenous contrast shows multiple small parenchymal calciications throughout the


FIG. 5.19 Splenic Artery Calciications. Central splenic artery calciications

in a patient on peritoneal dialysis.

sonographic patterns of lymphomatous involvement of the spleen

have been described, 53 corresponding with the pathologic indings:

(1) difuse involvement, typically an enlarged spleen with a normal

echotexture or patchy inhomogeneity; (2) focal small (<3 cm)

hypoechoic nodular lesions; (3) focal large (>3 cm) nodular

lesions; and (4) bulky solid mass lesions (Fig. 5.21). Focal lesions

in lymphoma are typically hypoechoic and hypovascular. 31

Occasionally, ater central necrosis with subsequent liquefaction,

lesions may present as anechoic cysts or mimic an abscess. 54

Hyperechoic lesions are uncommon.

Primary splenic malignancies include primary lymphoma,

angiosarcoma, and hemangiopericytoma. Isolated (primary)

lymphoma of the spleen is rare and is encountered in less than

1% of all patients with lymphoma. It typically represents Hodgkin

disease. 52 Angiosarcoma is a rare primary malignant vascular

neoplasm of the spleen with a very poor prognosis. Sonographic

indings include a heterogeneous echotexture, complex mass or

masses, and splenomegaly (Fig. 5.22). Increased Doppler low

may be seen in the solid components of the tumor. 55,56 Hemangiopericytoma

is a very rare tumor that may arise in the spleen

with variable malignant potential. On ultrasound, it may appear

as a hypoechoic vascular mass distinct from the surrounding

splenic parenchyma. 40

Metastases to the spleen are relatively rare and generally occur

as a late phenomenon. hey are typically seen in patients with

widespread metastatic disease rather than as a presenting feature. 57

Isolated metastases to the spleen are very uncommon. Splenic

metastases are relatively frequent in malignant melanoma but

can be encountered in any metastatic disease, including carcinoma

of the lung, breast, ovary, stomach, or colon and in Kaposi

sarcoma. 58 Metastases are usually hypoechoic but may be echogenic,

heterogeneous, or even cystic 1 (Fig. 5.23).

Benign Lesions. Hemangioma is the most common primary

benign neoplasm of the spleen; incidence ranges from 0.3% to

14% in autopsy series. 59 Hemangiomas are usually isolated

phenomena but can be part of a generalized condition, such as

hemangiomatosis or Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome. 60,61

he lesions oten have a well-deined echogenic appearance similar

to the typical appearance of hemangiomas in the liver, but this

appearance is seen much less frequently in the spleen than in

the liver (Fig. 5.24). Lesions of mixed echogenicity, with cystic

spaces of variable sizes and foci of calciication, have also been

reported. 41,59

Other benign tumors of the spleen are rare and include

hamartomas, littoral cell angioma, sclerosing angiomatoid nodular

transformation (SANT), and inlammatory pseudotumor.

Hamartomas are typically well-deined, homogeneous, isoechoic

to mildly hypoechoic or hyperechoic lesions 62 (Fig. 5.25). Hamartomas

may contain cystic areas or coarse calciications, and

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