Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1584 PART V Pediatric Sonography








No comp



FIG. 46.10 Left-Sided Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage (GMH) With

Obstruction of Terminal Vein Resulting in Periventricular Venous

Stasis and Hemorrhagic Infarction. Flow in left subependymal vein

(curved arrow) is obliterated by the hematoma. Flow in normal right

subependymal vein (straight arrow) is shown.

FIG. 46.12 Hydrocephalus Causes Increased Resistive Index (RI)

When Gentle Anterior Fontanelle Pressure Is Added. Pulsed wave

Doppler tracing of the anterior cerebral artery with transducer held lightly

over anterior fontanelle (No comp) shows an RI of 0.69. Repeat tracing

obtained a few seconds later with transducer irmly held over fontanelle

(Comp). RI has increased to 0.99, indicating abnormal intracranial compliance.

Comp, Compression.

Resistive index in the anterior cerebral artery











Fontanelle compression

FIG. 46.13 Shunted Hydrocephalus Is Less Sensitive to Pressure

Effects on Fontanelle. Graph of serial resistive index (RI) determinations

in an infant with hydrocephalus before (Pre-tap) and after (Post-tap)

shunt shows greatly diminished hemodynamic response to fontanelle

compression after ventricular drainage. Note that RI is quite similar at

baseline and increases with fontanelle compression.

FIG. 46.11 Luxury Perfusion Secondary to Left Middle Cerebral

Artery Ischemic Stroke in Full-Term Neonate. Coronal amplitude-mode

Doppler image shows greatly increased blood low to the ischemic

mildly hyperechogenic area (arrows), consistent with luxury perfusion.

which may dilate owing to the venous overload. Consequently,

the correct terminology would be “vein of Galen aneurysmal

dilation” (VGAD). Ultrasound is an important imaging tool

that allows the direct visualization of the dilated vessels of vein

of Galen aneurysms as well as possible complications such as

brain edema and hydrocephalus. VGAM and VGAD are typically

diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound screening. 63 Prenatal and

postnatal color low sonography and spectral analysis of the

blood low curves within the supplying and draining vessels give

important hemodynamic data both before and ater treatment

(Figs. 46.14 and 46.15). Spectral Doppler imaging typically shows

arterialization of venous low and increased low velocities, with

reduced pulsatility of the arterial feeders. Blood low in the more

peripheral portions of brain may show diminished or absent

low as a result of a “vascular steal” away from the normal cerebral

circulation through the low-resistance malformation. 64,65

Sinus pericranii is a congenital venous vascular malformation

characterized by a luctuating, compressible subcutaneous venous

mass lesion in which the intracranial and extracranial veins are

connected through a calvarial defect (Fig. 46.16). he lesion

typically increases in size during crying. Duplex Doppler sonography

easily diferentiates the lesion from various diferential

diagnoses including meningoencephaloceles, dermoids (Fig.

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