Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-41

Nasal bone, fetal (Continued)

NT in, 1094

in trisomy 21, 1099–1100, 1099f

Nasal placodes, 1134

NASCET. See North American Symptomatic

Carotid Endarterectomy Trial

Nasolacrimal ducts, obstruction of, dacryocystocele

from, 1143, 1147f

National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements (NCRP), 38–39

Near ield, of beam, 8

Near-ield structures, neonatal/infant brain and,

duplex Doppler sonography of, 1585,


NEC. See Necrotizing enterocolitis

Neck, fetal. See also Face, fetal

abnormalities of, 1154–1163

cervical teratoma as, 1159, 1161f

goiter as, 1159–1163, 1162f

lymphatic malformations as, 1159, 1161f

NT and, thickening of, 1154–1159

thyromegaly as, 1159–1163

embryology and development of, 1134

hydrops from, 1425, 1426f

normal, sonography of, 1135, 1136f

Neck, pediatric. See also Infrahyoid space,

pediatric; Suprahyoid space, pediatric

carotid space of, 1650

congenital abnormalities of, 1651–1654

branchial, 1651, 1651f–1653f

cervical teratomas and, 1654, 1654f

dermoid cysts and, 1652–1654, 1654f

ectopic thymus and, 1652, 1653f

epidermoid cysts and, 1652–1654

danger space of, 1650

deep cervical fascia of, 1628, 1629f

iatrogenic lesions and, 1658, 1661f

inlammatory disease of, 1658–1664

ibromatosis coli and, 1663–1664, 1663f

lymph nodes and, 1658–1663, 1661f–1663f

lesions of, 1961, 1967f

neoplasms of, 1664–1667

congenital infantile myoibromatosis as, 1664,


granulocytic sarcomas as, 1666, 1667f

lymphoma as, 1665, 1665f

malignant, 1664–1667

metastases and, 1666–1667, 1667f

neuroblastoma as, 1665–1666, 1666f

pilomatricoma as, 1664, 1664f

rhabdomyosarcoma as, 1665, 1666f

normal anatomy of, 1628–1629

prevertebral space of, 1650

retropharyngeal space of, 1650

supericial fascia of, 1628, 1629f

vascular anomalies of, 1654–1655

malformations, 1655–1658, 1655b, 1657f,


tumors, 1655, 1655b, 1656f

Neck masses of, in carotid region, 947–948,


Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), 1854–1855,

1855b, 1856f

Necrotizing fasciitis, of perineum, 846–847

Needle(s). See also Biopsy(ies), percutaneous


large-caliber, uses of, 600

for musculoskeletal interventions, technique for,

898–899, 899f

for percutaneous needle biopsies

guidance systems for, 600, 601f

selection of, 599–600

visualization in, 601–603, 602f

small-caliber, uses of, 599–600

Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 846

Neonatal brain sonography. See Brain, neonatal/

infant, imaging of

Neonatal resuscitation, in fetal hydrops, 1437

Nephrectomy, evaluation ater, 374–375

Nephritis, acute interstitial, 370

Nephroblastoma, pediatric, 1818

Nephroblastomatosis, pediatric, 1818

Nephrocalcinosis, 339–340, 340f, 359

cortical, 339

pediatric, 1798, 1798b, 1798f

medullary, 339, 340f

pediatric, 1798–1799, 1799f


cystic, multilocular, 361–362, 363f, 1820,



congenital, 1352–1353, 1353f

pediatric, 1818–1820, 1821f


familial juvenile, 359

pediatric, 1815–1816, 1816f


HIV-associated, 332–333, 333f

lithium, 361, 363f

relux, 327, 327f

Nephrosis, congenital, maternal serum alphafetoprotein

elevation in, 1228

Nephrotoxic drugs, AKI and, 1796

Nerve sheath tumors, 871, 872f


anatomy of, normal, 864–865, 865f

dysfunction of, 865–866, 866f

ilioinguinal, entrapment of, ater herniorrhaphy,


subluxation of, 865–866

ultrasound techniques for, 864–866

Nesidioblastosis, pediatric pancreatic enlargement

and, 1865, 1865f

Neural arch, ossiication of, 1218

Neural canal, in spine embryology, 1217

Neural crest cells, 1133–1134, 1672–1673

Neural plate, in spine embryology, 1217

Neural process, ossiication of, 1218, 1219f

Neural tube

closure of, 1524, 1525b

abnormalities of, 1218

brain disorders of, neonatal/infant, 1526–


Chiari malformations and neonatal/infant

disorders of, 1526, 1526b, 1527f–1529f

corpus callosum agenesis and neonatal/infant

disorders of, 1526–1528, 1529b,


corpus callosum lipoma and neonatal/infant

disorders of, 1529, 1533f

Dandy-Walker malformation and neonatal/

infant disorders of, 1529–1532, 1530b,


formation of, 1524, 1672–1673, 1673f

in spine embryology, 1217, 1218t

Neural tube defects (NTDs), 1183. See also Spina


CDH and, 1263

descriptions of, 1218

risk factors for, 1225b

spina biida and, 1223

teratogens inducing, 1218

ultrasound screening of, 1226–1228

X-linked, 1226

Neurenteric cysts

fetal, 1256

pediatric, 1686–1688

Neurenteric istula, 1674


adrenal, 427–428

fetal, 1353–1354, 1353f

pediatric, 1825–1826, 1826f

metastatic, paratesticular, 1903–1904


intraspinal, 1689–1691, 1693f

liver metastases from, 1746, 1750f

metastasis of, to teste, 1901

neck, 1665–1666, 1666f

ovarian, 1880

presacral, 1914, 1915f

Wilms tumor mistaken for, 1818

Neuroepithelial tumors, intracranial, fetal, 1208


bladder, 356

paratesticular, 1903–1904

plexiform, in intraoperative procedures, 1621f


hemimegalencephaly associated with, 1195

prenatal intracranial tumors in, 1208

renal artery stenosis and, 447

rhabdomyosarcoma associated with, 1908

type 1

megalencephaly associated with, 1194–1195

neuroblastoma with, pediatric, 1825

pheochromocytomas with, 1826

Neurogenic bladder, 372–374, 373f

pediatric, hydronephrosis and, 1788

Neurogenic tumors, pediatric, 1724

Neurologic development, obstetric sonography

and, 1040–1041

Neuroma, interdigital, injection for, 904, 904f

Neuronal proliferation, in organogenesis,



development of, 1167

neonatal/infant, injury to, difuse, duplex

Doppler sonography and, 1580

Neurulation, 1053, 1179

in spine embryology, 1217, 1672, 1673f

Nevus, giant pigmented, choroid plexus papillomas

in, 1209

Nipple discharge, ultrasound examination for,

798–799, 799f–801f

Nitric oxide, inhaled, 1578

Nodular lesions. See also hyroid gland, nodular

disease of

splenic, 148–152, 151f–154f

thyroid, 694–723

Nonarthrosclerotic carotid disease, 944–948. See

also Carotid artery(ies),

nonarthrosclerotic diseases of

ultrasound examination of, 916

Noncommunicating rudimentary uterine horn,


Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 125, 264–266

pediatric, neck, 1665

of peritoneum, 513, 517f

splenic lesions in, 152–153, 154f

Nonlinear echoes, contrast agents and, 58–64

amplitude and phase modulation imaging and,

64, 65f

harmonic B-mode imaging and, 60

harmonic spectral and power Doppler and,

60–61, 60f–62f

plane-wave contrast imaging and, 64

pulse inversion Doppler imaging and, 63–64

pulse inversion imaging and, 62–63, 62f–63f

temporal maximum intensity projection imaging

and, 64, 65f

tissue harmonic imaging and, 61–62

Nonne-Milroy lymphedema, 1403–1404, 1405f

Nonobstructive cardiomyopathy, 1294–1295

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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