Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-32 Index

Implants, breast (Continued) Infection(s) (Continued) Inlammation (Continued)

shell in, 804

silicon granulomas and, 805–807, 806f

ultrasound evaluation of, 804–807, 804f–806f

in vitro fertilization (IVF), CHD risk with,


Inborn errors of metabolism, fetal hydrops from,


Incarcerated hernias, 496–497

Incisional hernias, 492–493, 494f

Inclusion cysts

amnion, 1061

epidermal, 779

peritoneal, 508–509, 509f, 573, 573f

surface epithelial, 569, 573

vaginal, pediatric, 1883–1884

Incomplete subclavian steal, 952–953, 953b, 953f

Incontinence, fecal, anal endosonography in, 305,


Indirect controls, 48–50, 49t

Indistinct margins, in breast sonography, 787,



in fetal hydrops management, 1436

in utero exposure to, fetal hydrops from, 1432

Inertial cavitation, 40, 67–68

Infants. See Brain, neonatal/infant, imaging of


cerebral, neonatal/infant, 1550–1556

focal, 1555–1556, 1556b, 1556f

luxury perfusion and, 1580–1581, 1584f

epididymitis and, pediatric, 1896

grat, pediatric renal transplantation and,

1807–1809, 1808f

hepatic, ater liver transplantation, 638–639, 646f

maternal loor, 1473–1474, 1476f


pediatric, appendicitis diferentiated from,

1858–1860, 1858f

segmental, right-sided, 288, 289f

periventricular hemorrhagic, in infants, 1547

placental, 1466, 1473–1474, 1476f–1477f

ater renal transplantation

global, 653

segmental, 653–655, 657f

silent cerebral, SCD and, 1598

splenic, 156–157, 157f

pediatric, 1770, 1771f


pediatric, 1895

segmental, 832, 832f

Infection(s). See also Bacteria, pediatric infections

from; Cytomegalovirus infection; Liver,

infectious diseases of; Urinary tract,

pediatric, infection of; Virus(es),

pediatric infections from

of biliary tree, 176–182

in breast cysts, 782–785, 785f

breast ultrasound for, 803–804, 803f–804f


brain development and, 1203–1204, 1205f

dural sinus thrombosis from, 1205–1206

echogenic bowel and, 1316

hydrops and, 1431–1432, 1431f

liver calciications and, 1316–1318

of gastrointestinal tract, 295–300

AIDS patients and, 296

bezoars and, 300

celiac disease and, 300

congenital cysts and, 297, 298f

cystic ibrosis and, 300

hematomas and, 299

intraluminal foreign bodies and, 300

ischemic bowel disease and, 297

mucocele of appendix and, 299, 299f

peptic ulcer and, 299, 300f

pneumatosis intestinalis and, 297–299, 299f

pseudomembranous colitis and, 296–297, 298f

of genitourinary tract, 323–333

AIDS and, 331–333, 332f–333f

alkaline-encrusted pyelitis as, 324–325

Candida albicans as, 330–331, 331f

cystitis as, 333

fungal, 330–331

papillary necrosis as, 328–329, 329b, 329f

parasitic, 331

pyelonephritis as, 323–328

pyonephrosis as, 325, 326f

schistosomiasis as, 331

tuberculosis as, 329–330, 330f

of liver, 83–91

of neonatal/infant brain

acquired, 1560, 1561f–1563f

CMV, 1558–1560, 1559f

congenital, 1557–1560, 1559f

ater pancreas transplantation, 682

percutaneous needle biopsy complications with,


renal transplantation complications with,

651–653, 655f–657f

sot tissue, 872–874, 873f–874f

of spinal canal, pediatric, 1695

of urinary tract, pediatric

jaundice in, 1738

lower, 1904–1905, 1908, 1910f–1911f

of uterus, pediatric, 1885–1887

of vagina, pediatric, 1885–1887

Infectious cystitis, 333, 334f

Infective peritonitis, 517, 519f

Inferior epigastric artery (IEA)

as landmark for inguinal hernias, 474–475, 476f

relationship of indirect inguinal hernia to,

476–477, 478f

Inferior thyroid artery, 693

Inferior thyroid vein, 693, 694f

Inferior vas aberrans of Haller, 820–821

Inferior vena cava (IVC), 75–76, 75f, 455–464

anastomosis of, for liver transplantation,


anatomic variants of, 457, 458f

anatomy of, 456–457

azygous continuation of, 457

Budd-Chiari syndrome and, 463

dilation of, 464

duplicated, 457, 458f

ilters of, 464, 464f

let, 457

neoplasms of, 463–464

nutcracker syndrome and, 460–461, 462f

pancreatic head and, 211–212, 213f

pelvic congestion syndrome and, 461–463, 463f

stenosis of, ater liver transplantation, 636–637,


thrombosis of, 459–460

ater liver transplantation, 636–637, 642f,

1766, 1769f–1770f

Inferior vesical artery, 384


cryptorchidism of testis and, 851

ectopic pregnancy and, 1070

TRUS for prostate and, 392–394, 393f

Iniltrative metastases, of liver, 125–128, 126f


in acute pancreatitis, 222–225, 224f–228f

of appendix, 282–285

in breast cysts, 782–785, 785f

in Crohn disease

creeping fat and, 269, 271f

masses and, 275–276, 278f–279f

perianal inlammation and, 276, 281f,


of epididymis, 846

of musculoskeletal system, pediatric, 1936–1938,


noninfectious, 1938

of prostate, 389, 390f

of salivary glands, pediatric, 1632–1635

acute, 1632–1634, 1632f–1633f

chronic, 1634–1635, 1634f–1636f

of tendons, 861–862, 862f

Inlammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm,

439–440, 443f

Inlammatory bowel disease (IBD), 266–269. See

also Crohn disease

Inlammatory disease

pediatric, neck and, 1658–1664

lymph nodes and, 1658–1663, 1661f–1663f

pediatric, thyroid gland and, 1643–1646,


perianal, transanal sonography in, 305–307,

306b, 307f

Inlammatory myoibroblastic tumor, pediatric,


Inlammatory pseudotumors

gastric mucosa thickening in, 1839–1840

pediatric cystitis and, 1794, 1797f

splenic, 153–156

Infrahyoid space, pediatric, 1628–1629. See also

Parathyroid glands, pediatric; hyroid

gland, pediatric

anatomy of, 1640, 1642f

cystic lesions of, diferential diagnosis of, 1644b

cysts of, 1650

laryngoceles of, 1650

visceral space of, 1640–1650

Infraspinatus tendon

anatomy of, normal, 879, 879f

ultrasound evaluation of, 883–884, 885f

Infundibulopelvic (suspensory) ligament, 564–565

Infundibulum, 565

Inguinal canal, testis in, 851, 851f

Inguinal hernias. See Hernia(s), inguinal

Inguinal wall insuiciency, posterior, sports hernia

and, 486, 488f

Inionschisis, deinition of, 1225t

Injections. See Musculoskeletal injection(s)

Inner cell mass, 1051

Innominate artery, 916, 938

Inspissated cysts, 779, 781f

Instrumentation. See also Transducer(s)

basic components of, 7–12

for Doppler ultrasound, 24–25, 25b, 25f–26f

image display in, 9–11, 9f–11f

mechanical sector scanners, 11

receiver in, 8–9, 8f–9f

transducer arrays in, 11–12, 12f

transducer in, 7–8

transmitter in, 7

Insula, fetal, normal sonographic appearance of,


Insulin, NTDs from, 1218

Insulinomas, pediatric, 1865

Intellectual functioning, in spina biida, 1233


of sound, 5

of ultrasonic power, 35

Interdigital neuromas, injection for, 904, 904f

Interhemispheric issure, fetal, normal sonographic

appearance of, 1168, 1169f

Intermittent harmonic power Doppler imaging, 66,


Intermittent imaging, with contrast agents, 64–67,


Internal echoes, in renal cysts, 357, 357b

Internal inguinal ring, as landmark for inguinal

hernias, 474–475, 476f

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