Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 35 The Fetal Spine 1237

chondriication centers is deicient. he remaining ossiication

center is displaced laterally with respect to the vertebrae above

and below it, leading to a short-segment mild scoliosis. he

abnormalities can be detected prenatally and may be best portrayed

with 3D ultrasound. 31-34 Fetuses with an isolated

Causes of Scoliosis or Kyphosis


Butterly vertebrae

Block vertebrae

Spina biida

Ventral abdominal wall defects

Limb–body wall complex

Amniotic band syndrome


Skeletal dysplasias

VACTERL a association

Caudal regression syndrome

a Vertebral abnormalities, anal atresia, cardiac abnormalities,

tracheoesophageal istula, renal agenesis, and limb defects.

hemivertebra have an excellent prognosis, whereas those with

other fetal anomalies (e.g., Potter syndrome; cardiac, intestinal,

intracranial, and limb anomalies) have a poor prognosis. 110 he

presence of associated anomalies reduces the survival rate to

approximately 50%. If oligohydramnios is also present, the

mortality rate approaches 100%. 111


Sacral agenesis is an uncommon fetal abnormality that may be

present in conditions such as caudal regression sequence,

sirenomelia sequence, cloacal exstrophy sequence, and the

VACTERL association. he caudal regression sequence (caudal

regression syndrome) and the sirenomelia sequence are thought

to be separate pathologic entities. 112,113


In caudal regression or dysplasia, abnormalities of the lower

spine and limbs occur, including sacral agenesis, lumbar spine

deiciency, and leg anomalies such as femoral hypoplasia (Fig.

35.20). Defects of the neural tube and the genitourinary,





FIG. 35.20 Caudal Regression. (A) Sagittal sonogram of spine at 21 weeks shows abrupt termination of ossiied vertebral bodies. (B) Transverse

view of pelvis with legs in long axis shows lack of ossiied pelvic bones and atrophic musculature about the lower extremities. (C) Transverse

color Doppler image at level of bladder shows lack of ossiied pelvic bones. (D) In a different fetal specimen, radiograph shows abrupt termination

(arrows) of the lumbar spine and absence of the sacrum. The pelvic bones are small and deformed.

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