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CHAPTER 39 The Fetal Urogenital Tract 1347

nephrology consultation. A VCUG is indicated if there is contralateral

hydronephrosis or a history of UT infection. 75

he natural history of MCDK is toward spontaneous involution.

his has been well documented both before and ater

birth. 70,72 he longer the duration of follow-up, the higher is the

likelihood that the dysplastic kidney will become so small as to

not be evident sonographically. he risk of hypertension associated

FIG. 39.13 Bilateral Multicystic Dysplastic Kidneys. Transvaginal

image in a 16-week fetus demonstrates numerous small bilateral cysts

(arrows) and no normal renal parenchyma. Note anhydramnios due to

nonfunctioning kidneys.

with MCDKs does not appear to be greater than that of the

general population, 76 and the rates of malignant transformation

of MCDK are small. 77 Although there are some proponents for

routine laparoscopic nephrectomy, conservative management

(with clinical and ultrasound surveillance) is favored in most

centers. 78 Most cases of MCDK are sporadic, with a low recurrence

risk. However, some cases have been associated with mutations

in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1β (HNF1β), which carries an

autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with both interfamilial

and intrafamilial variability in the clinical manifestations. 79

Obstructive Cystic Renal Dysplasia

he efect of urinary obstruction on subsequent renal development

depends on the time of onset and severity of the obstruction.

Experimental work in lambs has shown that urinary obstruction

starting in the last half of gestation causes simple hydronephrosis

and, when severe, parenchymal atrophy. 80 However, if the urinary

obstruction starts during the irst half of gestation, renal dysplasia

and sometimes cyst formation will occur 80-82 (Fig. 39.14). he

fetal UT responds diferently to chronic obstruction than the

adult UT. In adults with chronic urethral obstruction, the pelvicalyceal

system is usually greatly dilated; in the fetus there may

be a relative lack of pelvicalyceal dilation and possible development

of macroscopic renal cysts.

Unilateral renal dysplasia can be caused by UPJ obstruction

or ureterovesical junction (UVJ) obstruction. Bilateral disease

is caused by severe bladder outlet obstruction, usually due to

urethral atresia or posterior urethral valves. he severity of renal

dysplasia is related to the timing and severity of obstruction to



FIG. 39.14 Urinary Tract Obstruction Produces a Varied Response From the Kidneys. (A) Normal kidney. (B) Pelvicaliectasis, with or

without parenchymal atrophy. (C) Renal cystic dysplasia, with parenchymal cysts. (D) The dysplastic kidney may cease to function (lack of pelvicaliectasis).

(E) and (F) Alternatively, the kidney may show increased echogenicity, with no visible cysts but with pelvicaliectasis (E) or without

pelvicaliectasis (F). In these cases, dysplasia is probably, but not invariably, present.

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