Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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320 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography



FIG. 9.12 Duplex Collecting System. (A) Sagittal sonogram shows an upper-pole cystic mass. Note collecting system dilatation and cortical

thinning. (B) Delayed intravenous urogram shows duplicated left collecting system and dilated upper-pole moiety.




FIG. 9.13 Duplex Collecting System. (A) Sagittal

sonogram shows dilatation of the lower-pole moiety, likely

related to relux. (B) Sagittal sonogram shows central

parenchyma separating the upper-pole and lower-pole moieties.

There is moderate dilatation of both moieties. (C)

Sagittal sonogram of the bladder and distal ureter of the

patient in B. Note dilatation of the ureter from the upper-pole

moiety and a large ureterocele.

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