Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1724 PART V Pediatric Sonography





FIG. 50.35 Macrocystic Lymphatic Malformation in 7-Month-Old Girl. (A) Chest radiograph shows opacity in left upper chest and neck.

(B) and (C) Sonograms show multiple cystic spaces. (D) T1-weighted postcontrast, axial magnetic resonance image deines the extent of the


TABLE 50.1 Formula for Calculation of Thymic Index

Thymic index (cm 3 ) = Area of the largest lobe (cm 2 ) × Transverse dimension of thymus from right lateral

edge to left lateral edge (cm)

Area of the lobe of

thymus (cm 2 )

= Craniocaudad dimension (cm) × Anteroposterior dimension (cm)

malformation, or Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Malignant iniltration

of the thymus is also seen in lymphoma and leukemia.

hymic cysts are anechoic. Other abnormalities of the thymus

may show irregular or lobular margin, heterogeneous echogenicity,

and coarse echotexture. Germ cell tumors can have variable

appearance. Teratomas are heterogeneous masses that contain

fat, bone, calciication, and cystic elements.


he most common mediastinal mass in older children is lymphadenopathy

resulting from leukemia or lymphoma. Lymphadenopathy

appears as hypoechoic nodules. Lymph nodes in

lymphoma are more hypoechoic and more hypovascular than

inlammatory lymph nodes. 62

Posterior Mediastinal Masses

Posterior mediastinal masses, including neurogenic tumors, make

up the majority of mediastinal masses in young infants. Neurogenic

tumors appear as a lobulated or well-deined hypoechoic

mass with granular or lecklike calciications. Neurenteric cysts

are well-deined, anechoic lesions with thin walls. When inlammation

and hemorrhage occur, the cyst may contain echogenic

debris from proteinaceous luid, mucus, or blood.



Sonography is an excellent method for guiding postoperative

luid collections 63 (Fig. 50.37), pleural luid aspiration, 64

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