Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 8 The Gastrointestinal Tract 285



FIG. 8.31 Normal Appendix. (A) Long-axis image and (B) cross-sectional image show the normal appendix (A) arising from the base of the

cecum (C). The appendix shows a gut signature, a blind end, and measures 6 mm or less in diameter. See also Video 8.13.



FIG. 8.32 Value of Transvaginal Sonography for Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis. (A) Long-axis view of the appendix on transvaginal

sonography was the only view to show the blind-ended tip of the luid-distended appendix. (B) Appendix is a large, luid-illed, thick-walled structure

and shows a shadowing appendicolith.

Sonography of Appendiceal Perforation

Loculated pericecal luid



Prominent pericecal fat

Circumferential loss of submucosal layer of the appendix

its occurrence include loculated pericecal luid, phlegmon or

abscess, prominent pericecal or periappendiceal fat, and circumferential

loss of the submucosal layer of the appendix 58 (Fig.

8.33, Video 8.14). False-positive diagnosis for acute appendicitis

may occur if a normal appendix or a thickened terminal ileum

is mistaken for an inlamed appendix.

Crohn Appendicitis

Patients with Crohn disease may have acute appendicitis caused

by IBD involvement of the appendix, in contrast to acute suppurative

appendicitis. he wall of the appendix typically is

extremely thickened and hyperemic with wall layer preservation,

and the luminal surfaces are oten in apposition 59 (Fig. 8.34).

his appearance contrasts with that in suppurative appendicitis,

where luminal distention is the expectation and wall thickening

is moderate at best.

Crohn appendicitis is a self-limited process, 60,61 and treatment

may be conservative if the appropriate diagnosis can be established

with noninvasive techniques. In a small number of the patients

for whom we have suggested this diagnosis, follow-up sonograms

have shown resolution of the sonographic indings with no disease

progression. Patients with Crohn disease who present with Crohn

appendicitis account for about 10% of total presentations. his

patient population typically has a more benign course. If the

appendix is removed surgically in the mistaken belief that the

patient has acute suppurative appendicitis, recurrence or progression

of Crohn disease is rare.

Right-Sided Diverticulitis

Acute inlammation of a right-sided diverticulum is distinct from

the more common diverticulitis that is encountered in the let

hemicolon. hese diverticula occur more oten in women than

in men and have a predilection for Asian populations. Most

patients are young adults. Right-sided diverticula are usually

solitary and are congenital in origin. hey are true diverticula

and therefore have all layers of the gut wall. heir inlammation

is associated with RLQ pain, tenderness, and leukocytosis, with

a mistaken diagnosis of appendicitis in virtually all cases.

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