Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1254 PART IV Obstetric and Fetal Sonography









FIG. 36.8 Congenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome (CHAOS) at 19 Weeks. (A) Axial and (B) and coronal views of the chest show

diffusely enlarged, echogenic lungs bilaterally with eversion of the hemidiaphragms (arrows) and ascites (arrowhead). (C) and (D) Axial and coronal

T2-weighted MR images show increased lung volume and luid-illed airways (arrows). (Courtesy of Katherine Fong, MD, University of Toronto.)

he heart usually assumes a more central and anterior position

than normal and is oten compressed as the size of the lungs

increases. 110 Frequently, there are associated indings of ascites

and other signs of hydrops. he mechanism of ascites may be

from compression of the heart and great vessels by the enlarged

lungs. 120 Either polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios may be


he lungs are distended and appear homogeneously echogenic

because of increased luid and increased lung growth induced

by the upper airway obstruction. 110 he increased number of

tissue-luid interfaces produces the hyperechoic appearance of

the lungs. Lung volume can increase up to 15 times the expected

size. he hyperplastic lungs are edematous but otherwise histologically

normal. 110

MRI can be used to identify the region of obstruction and

assist in decisions regarding in utero intervention and intrapartum

procedures. Characteristic indings include increased lung volume,

difuse increase in lung intensity on T2-weighted images, and a

dilated luid-illed trachea and bronchi. 116 Extrinsic causes of

tracheal compression can be evaluated. 118

More than 50% of fetuses with laryngeal obstruction have

associated abnormalities, most oten in the renal system and

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