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CHAPTER 13 Dynamic Ultrasound of Hernias of the Groin and Anterior Abdominal Wall 479




Short-axis view


FIG. 13.14 Hernia Sacs Relative to Spermatic Cord. (A) Direct (Dir) and indirect (Ind) hernia sacs relative to the spermatic cord (SC). Left,

Drawing shows that indirect inguinal hernia sac tends to lie anterior to spermatic cord, whereas direct inguinal hernia sac lies posterior to the cord.

Center, Short-axis view shows fat-containing direct inguinal hernia (H) posterior and medial to the spermatic cord (SC). Right, Short-axis view shows

fat-containing indirect inguinal hernia (H) lying anterior and lateral to the spermatic cord (SC). (B) Long-axis views of right direct and left indirect

inguinal hernias in the same patient. Left, Image shows the right direct inguinal hernia sac lying posterior to the spermatic cord (SC). Right, Image

shows the left indirect inguinal hernia sac lying anterior to the spermatic cord (SC).

along the anterolateral aspect of the spermatic cord, whereas

direct inguinal hernia sacs tend to lie posteromedial to the

cord (Fig. 13.14). In females, indirect inguinal hernias lie

anterior to the round ligament (Fig. 13.15). Large indirect inguinal

hernias can latten and splay the spermatic cord (Figs. 13.16 and

13.17), causing pain that radiates into the scrotum. Indirect

inguinal hernias are much more likely than direct inguinal

hernias to extend into the scrotum or labium majus (Fig. 13.18,

Video 13.9).

Direct Inguinal Hernias

he characteristic inding of a direct inguinal hernia is focal

intraabdominal tissue moving anteriorly through the Hesselbach

triangle. 1,8,22,23 On ultrasound, this tissue of variable

echogenicity will move characteristically in a posterior-to-anterior

direction. 1

Direct inguinal hernias are the second most common type

of groin hernia and are acquired. he incidence increases with

age, as this type of hernia results from a weakening of the

tranversalis fascia in the Hesselbach triangle. 27 he Hesselbach

triangle is anatomically bounded inferiorly by the inguinal ligament,

medially by the lateral margin of the rectus abdominis,

and superolaterally by the IEA.

Direct hernias arise in two ways: either a passing through a

defect in the “conjoined tendon” (Fig. 13.19) or by greatly stretching

the tendon into the inguinal canal (Fig. 13.20). During open

hernia repair, direct inguinal hernias protrude “directly” into

the opened inguinal canal from a posterior direction. Indirect

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