Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 14 The Peritoneum 515



FIG. 14.23 Omental Cake Adherent to Parietal Peritoneum. Transverse

ultrasound image of the midabdomen shows an omental cake

(arrows) in the near ield, adherent to the parietal peritoneum. Small

bowel loops (BL) are visible in the far ield, outlined by ascites.

FIG. 14.24 Omental Cake Adherent to Visceral Peritoneum. Transverse

ultrasound image of the midabdomen shows a thick omental cake

(arrows) adherent to the visceral peritoneum and encasing gas-illed

small bowel loops (BL).







FIG. 14.25 Primary Peritoneal Serous Papillary Carcinoma. (A) Sagittal ultrasound image shows a highly complex peritoneal mass between

the right hemidiaphragm and the liver (L). The liver border is scalloped. (B) Sagittal ultrasound image in the left upper quadrant shows a similar

complex peritoneal mass over the convexity of the spleen (S). (C) Midabdominal image shows a complex peritoneal cystic and solid mass of

enormous size. (D) TVS image taken in the pouch of Douglas shows no normal tissue. The entire pouch is illed with a complex cystic and solid

tumor. (Reproduced from Wilson SR. Pseudomyxoma peritonei. In: Cohen HL, editor. Gastrointestinal disease, test and syllabus. Reston, VA:

American College of Radiology; 2004. pp. 73-84. 28 )

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