Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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118 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography





FIG. 4.53 Bleeding Hepatic Adenomas. (A) and (B) Sonograms of two young women presenting with acute abdominal pain from hemorrhage

into hepatic adenomas. The masses are highly complex, and their appearance in a patient with pain suggests hemorrhage into a preexisting lesion.

(C) Unenhanced and (D) enhanced computed tomography scans of the patient in B show the value of the unenhanced scan, which conirms the

high-attenuation blood within the adenoma.

and near the diaphragm, in which case diferential sound transmission

through the fatty mass will produce a discontinuous or

broken diaphragm echo 170 (Fig. 4.54A). CT or MRI can be used

to conirm the fatty nature of a mass (Fig. 4.54B). Angiomyolipomas,

by comparison, may also appear echogenic on sonography

(Fig. 4.54C), although they may have insuicient fat to appear

consistently with fatty attenuation on CT, making diagnostic

conirmation more diicult without biopsy.

Malignant Hepatic Neoplasms

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

HCC is one of the most common malignant tumors, particularly

in Southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Japan, Greece, and Italy.

HCC occurs predominantly in men, with a male-to-female ratio

of approximately 5:1. Causal factors depend on the geographic

distribution. Although alcoholic cirrhosis remains a common

predisposing cause for hepatoma in the West, both hepatitis C and

hepatitis B are now of worldwide importance. hese viral infections

also account for the high incidence of HCC in sub-Saharan

Africa, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and in the Mediterranean.

Of growing importance in the Western world, fatty liver with the

development of steatohepatitis is increasingly important as an

antecedent to the development of cirrhosis and HCC. HCC is one

of the only solid tumors in North America with an increasing

incidence credited almost solely to the increasing signiicance

of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Alatoxins, toxic metabolites

produced by fungi in certain foods, have also been implicated

in the pathogenesis of hepatomas in developing countries.

he clinical presentation of HCC is oten delayed until the

tumor reaches an advanced stage. Symptoms include right upper

quadrant pain, weight loss, and abdominal swelling when ascites

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