Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 52 The Pediatric Urinary Tract and Adrenal Glands 1815

of the intracranial vessels and aorta and aortic dissection are

additional associations. 181

Multicystic Renal Dysplasia

Multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) is a congenital malformation,

with an incidence of about 1 per 4000 live births. 182

Histologically, multiple noncommunicating cysts are separated

by dysplastic parenchyma. he etiology of MCDK is uncertain,

although various theories have been proposed. he “ureteric bud

theory” of Mackie and Stephens hypothesizes that MCDK may

result from a ureteric bud that is atretic or connects abnormally

with the metanephric mesenchyme and the developing bladder,

resulting in obstruction. 183 Work by Batourina and colleagues 184

and Viana and colleagues 185 suggests that an abnormal interaction

between the developing bladder trigone and the distal ureter

may result in dysfunction at the ureterovesical junction and

subsequent obstruction. Bilateral MCDK disease is usually lethal

shortly ater birth, owing to associated pulmonary hypoplasia

secondary to prolonged oligohydramnios in utero. With unilateral

MCDK, renal function is usually maintained by the contralateral

kidney. 186 Although MCDK can be an isolated inding, it frequently

occurs in association with other anomalies of the urinary tract,

most commonly VUR, UPJO, and UVJO. 186 It is also a common

or characteristic inding in multisystemic genetic disorders

such as branchio-oto-renal syndrome and renal-coloboma

syndrome. 183

MCDK is usually diagnosed by prenatal sonography (Fig.

52.57, Video 52.7), or if unilateral may be found as an abdominal

mass at birth. he common pelvoinfundibular form of MCDK

manifests as numerous, randomly distributed noncommunicating

cysts of varying size. here is no renal pelvis or renal sinus, and

renal parenchyma is absent or dysplastic. he less common

hydronephrotic form of MCDK consists of multiple small,

peripheral cysts and a larger central cyst, with some connections

between the peripheral cysts and the central cyst. he entire

kidney is usually involved and may be small, normal in size, or

enlarged. here is no or minimal functional renal tissue. 187 he

contralateral kidney usually demonstrates compensatory hypertrophy.

Segmental involvement may occur, most oten in the

upper-pole moiety of a duplex kidney. 188 In patients with no

other urologic abnormalities, MCDK is managed nonoperatively,

as the risk of associated malignancy is low. Most afected kidneys

will undergo partial or complete involution. 189

FIG. 52.55 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

(ADPKD). Longitudinal gray-scale image of 33-week gestational age

fetus of a mother with ADPKD reveals a small, round cyst in the upper

pole of the right kidney consistent with ADPKD (arrow). Renal parenchymal

echogenicity is slightly increased and the medullary pyramids are

hypoechoic. Both right and left kidneys were mildly enlarged for gestational


Nephronophthisis and Medullary

Cystic Disease

Nephronophthisis (NPHP) is an autosomal recessive tubulointerstitial

disorder, and one of the most common causes of inherited

end-stage kidney disease in children and young adults. 190 To

date, 19 causative genes have been identiied, although the

causative genes are still unknown in approximately 70% of afected

patients. 164 At presentation children usually are 4 to 6 years of



FIG. 52.56 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). (A) and (B) Longitudinal prone gray-scale images in a 17-year-old girl

demonstrate enlarged right and left kidneys, respectively, containing multiple cysts of varying size. Scattered linear and punctate echogenic foci

may represent mural calciications and/or stones (arrows).

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