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1532 PART V Pediatric Sonography





FIG. 45.24 “Sunburst” or Radial Arrangement of Sulci in Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. (A) and (B) Midsagittal sonograms. (C)

Midsagittal magnetic resonance image. (D) Sagittal pathologic specimen. Arrows indicate radial array of sulci. (C with permission from Osborn AG.

Diagnostic neuroradiology. St Louis: Mosby; 1994 234 ; D with permission from Friede R. Developmental neuropathology. 2nd ed. New York: Springer-

Verlag; 1975. 42 )

Complete agenesis of the cerebellar vermis without

hydrocephalus occurs in Joubert syndrome, with associated

symptoms including episodic hyperpnea, ataxia, abnormal eye

movements, and mental retardation. 31 his anomaly is thought

to be caused by the inability of the posterior fossa axons to

cross the midline. here is a Meckel-like syndrome with Dandy-

Walker malformation, polycystic kidneys, hepatic ibrosis, and

hand and genital anomalies. True Meckel-Gruber syndrome

includes an encephalocele, renal cystic dysplasia, short limbs, and

polydactyly. 60




Holoprosencephaly results from a failure of diverticulation when

the primitive prosencephalon does not divide into the

telencephalon and the diencephalon between the fourth and

eighth weeks of gestation. he telencephalon normally develops

into the cerebral hemispheres, ventricles, putamen, and caudate

nuclei. he diencephalon becomes the third ventricle, thalami,

hypothalamus, and lateral globus pallidus. Holoprosencephaly

represents a spectrum of malformations that form a continuum

from most severe, with no separation of the telencephalon into

hemispheres (alobar holoprosencephaly), to least severe, with

partial separation of the dorsal aspects of the brain (lobar

holoprosencephaly). he septum pellucidum is absent in all forms

of holoprosencephaly (Fig. 45.28).

Septo-Optic Dysplasia

Some consider the mildest form of lobar holoprosencephaly to

be septo-optic dysplasia, with absence of the septum pellucidum

and optic nerve hypoplasia (Fig. 45.29, Video 45.8). About twothirds

of these infants have hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction.

hey may have visual symptoms and growth restriction. In

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