Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-55

Splenic vein (Continued)

thrombosis of

acute pancreatitis complicated by, 230, 231f

chronic pancreatitis and, 232–233, 234f–235f

Splenogonadal fusion, 833

paratesticular, 1904


causes of, 145, 146t

complications of, 146

diagnosis of, 145–146

fetal, 1320

massive, 145, 146t

portal hypertension as cause of, 145, 147f

in sickle cell disease, 157

sonographic appearance of, 143f–144f

Splenorenal ligament, 139–141, 140f

Splenorenal shunts, in portal hypertension,

pediatric, 1757, 1759f

Splenosis, posttraumatic, 160–161

Splenunculi, 158–159, 160f

Split cord malformation

fetal, 1234–1235

pediatric, 1688–1689, 1688f

Split liver grat, from deceased donor, 625

Split-screen imaging, for breast assessment, 769,


Sports hernias, 484–488, 488f–489f

SPTA. See Spatial peak temporal average

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 348

Staghorn calculus

tyrosinemia and, 1799, 1800f

in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, 328,


Standard sonographic examination, 1019

Standof pad, in breast tumor imaging, 767, 767f


difuse, 91, 92f

in inborn errors of metabolism, 1738

pediatric, 1740, 1740f, 1741b

Stein-Leventhal syndrome, 573

pediatric, 1877–1878, 1879f

Stener lesion, 864, 864f

Stenotic disease, of abdominal aorta, 441–445, 445f

Stensen duct, pediatric, 1630

Stent grat, 438

Stepladder sign, in intracapsular breast implant

rupture, 804–805, 805f

Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 692f, 694

Sternohyoid muscle, 692f, 694

Sternum, defect of, pentalogy of Cantrell and, 1329


anabolic, therapy with, hepatic adenomas and,


injectable, for musculoskeletal interventions,


injection of, interventional sonography for,

pediatric, 1961, 1964f

Stickler syndrome, clets of secondary palate in,


Stippled epiphyses, 1399

Stitch abscess, ater herniorrhaphy, 494–496,


Stomach, fetal, 1306–1308

absent or small, 1306, 1306b

esophageal atresia and, 1305–1306, 1305f

dilated, 1307, 1308f

intraluminal gastric masses in, 1308, 1309f

midline, 1307, 1308f–1309f

normal, 1307f

right-sided, 1307, 1308f–1309f

Stomach, pediatric, 1833–1840

anatomy of, 1834–1835, 1835f–1836f

antrum distention in, HPS pitfalls and, 1838,


Stomach, pediatric (Continued)

artifact of empty, 1838, 1839f

bezoars and, 1840, 1841f

gastric diaphragm and, 1839, 1840f

gastric ulcers and, 1839–1840, 1840f

gastritis and, 1839–1840, 1840f

HPS and, 1835–1838, 1835b, 1837f–1838f

pitfalls in diagnosis of, 1838, 1838b, 1839f

pylorospasm and minimal muscular,

1836–1838, 1838f

optimal measurements of, 1834b

sonographic technique for, 1833–1835

Stomodeum, 1133–1134

Strain elastography, 16, 17f, 772

Strain modulus, 15–16

Strangulated hernias. See Hernia(s), strangulated

Strawberry-shaped skull, 1136, 1137f

Streaming, 35

Streptococcal meningitis, group B, neonatal/infant,

1560, 1561f–1562f

Stress maneuvers, for hip stability determination,


Strictures in, in Crohn disease, 269–274, 275f–276f

String sign, occluded carotid artery distinguished

from, 939


cardioembolic, 915–916

from carotid artery stenosis, 915–916

in neonatal/infant brain, duplex Doppler

sonography and, 1580–1581, 1584f

SCD and

cerebrovascular disease indicators with,


risk categories for, 1599–1604, 1605t,


screening for, 1598

velocity indications of, 1605–1607

Stromal cell tumors, ovarian, pediatric, 1879

Stromal tumors, gastrointestinal, 264, 265f

pediatric, 1862

Struma ovarii, 584

Sturge-Weber syndrome

facial hemangiomas in, 1154

pheochromocytomas with, 1910–1912

TCD sonography assessing, 1614

Subacromial impingement, of shoulder, 877–879,


Subacromial spurs, 878–879

Subacromial-subdeltoid bursa, 879

appearance of, normal, 889, 891f

rotator cuf tears and, 888–889, 892f

thickening of, 889–891, 892f

with ganglion, 889–891, 892f

Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis, 724, 724f

Subamniotic hematomas, of placenta, 1474

Subarachnoid hemorrhages, neonatal/infant brain

and, 1550, 1550f

Subarachnoid spaces, neonatal/infant

development of, 1520–1521

luid collections in, duplex Doppler sonography

of, 1585, 1588f

Subchorionic cysts

maternal loor infarction with, 1474, 1476f

placental, 1474, 1477f

Subchorionic hematoma, 1474

placental abruption diferentiated from, 1471,


Subchorionic hemorrhage

early pregnancy failure and, 1069, 1069f

fetal echogenic bowel and, 1315f

Subclavian artery, 975

stenosis of, 976, 978f–979f

Subclavian steal phenomenon, 952–954, 953b,

953f–954f, 976, 979f

Subclavian vein

anatomy of, 990–991, 990f

stenosis of, sever, 1006, 1009f

ultrasound examination for, 991, 991f

Subcutaneous edema, fetal, in hydrops, 1417,


Subdural efusions, neonatal/infant, duplex

Doppler imaging of, 1585, 1588f

Subdural hematomas, neonatal/infant, 1557, 1558f

Subdural hemorrhage, fetal, bilateral, 1207f

Subependymal cysts, 1543–1544

of neonatal/infant brain, 1566, 1567f

Subependymal hemorrhage, neonatal/infant brain

and, 1543–1544, 1543f–1544f

Subfascial hematomas, cesarean sections and,

556–557, 557f

Subglottic stenosis or atresia, CHAOS and, 1253

Sublingual gland, pediatric, anatomy of, 1631,


Subluxation, 1923, 1927

Submandibular glands, pediatric

anatomy of, 1630–1631, 1631f

pleomorphic adenoma of, 1638f

sialolithiasis of, 1633, 1633f

Submandibular space, pediatric, 1630–1631, 1631f

cystic lesions of, 1639–1640, 1640b

Submandibular window, for TCD sonography,


Subphrenic abscess, 1716

Subplacental hematoma, 1471, 1474f

Subscapular fossa, 878–879

Subscapularis tendon

anatomy of, normal, 878–879, 879f

ultrasound evaluation of, 880, 882f

Subtrochanteric femur, absence of, 1400

Subvalvular aortic stenosis, 1292

Succenturiate lobes, of placenta, 1480–1481, 1481f

“Sugar icing”, 868f

Sulcation disorders, of neonatal/infant brain,


Sulcus(i), of brain

development of, 1167


development of, 1520–1521, 1520f–1521f

efacement of, in difuse cerebral edema, 1553,


normal sonographic appearance of, 1169, 1171f

radial arrangement of, in corpus callosum

agenesis, 1528, 1532f

Sulfur colloid scanning, FNH and, 115

“Sunburst sign,” in corpus callosum agenesis, 1528,


Superb microvascular imaging (SMI), 1746

basic technique of, 1749–1750, 1752f

Supericial fascia, pediatric, 1628, 1629f

Supericial peritendinous and periarticular

injections, 902–904

for foot and ankle, 902–904, 903f–904f

for hand and wrist, 904, 905f

Supericial venous insuiciency, 981–982

Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)

pancreatic body and, 211, 211f

small bowel obstruction and, 1308

Superior mesenteric vein (SMV), 211, 211f

Superior vena cava (SVC)

anatomy of, 991

catheter position for, pediatric, 1716–1721,


stenosis, with PICC line, 993f

thrombosis of, pediatric, 1721, 1721b, 1722f

ultrasound examination of, 991–992, 992f

Supernumerary glands, 733

Supernumerary kidneys, 319

Supernumerary testes, 838–839, 841f

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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