Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 48 The Pediatric Head and Neck 1645



FIG. 48.28 Complex Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. (A) Sagittal color Doppler image of a complex cystic avascular lesion anterior to the trachea

and superior to the isthmus of the thyroid. The lesion is hypoechoic with debris inferiorly. (B) Gray-scale axial ultrasound demonstrates heterogeneous

mass with both hypoechoic and isoechoic components.



FIG. 48.29 Type IV Branchial Sinus Abscess. (A) Hypoechoic, poorly deined collection in left anterior neck distorting muscle and soft tissue

planes, compressing the left thyroid gland. (B) Axial computed tomography scan at same level demonstrates inhomogeneously enhancing phlegmon

adjacent to left lobe of the thyroid.

considered 101,102 (Fig. 48.29). hese patients usually are presented

at age 2 to 12 years with fever, sore throat, and swelling in the

lower neck. On ultrasound, the let lobe of the thyroid gland

may be heterogeneous. If an abscess has developed, typically a

focal hypoechoic lesion is surrounded by hyperemia in the let

perithyroid area. 87,90,101,102

de Quervain thyroiditis, also known as focal thyroiditis,

is an uncommon form of subacute thyroiditis likely

caused by a viral infection. 83 Granulomatous inlammation

of the gland can result in thyromegaly and heterogeneous


Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most common cause of thyroid

disease in children and adolescents. 74 It is an autoimmune disorder

caused by circulating antibodies. Injury to the gland results in

a difuse lymphocytic and plasma cell iniltration. he process

is more common in girls than in boys, with a family history of

thyroid disease in one-fourth of cases. 88,103 Clinically, the patient

has painless enlargement of the thyroid. Although in the acute

phase the patient may be hyperthyroid, most patients are hypothyroid

at presentation. Hashimoto thyroiditis may be associated

with several syndromes (e.g., Turner, Noonan, Down) and has

been described in patients with juvenile diabetes, those receiving

phenytoin therapy, and those with Hodgkin disease. 87 On

ultrasound, the gland is enlarged with lobular margins and

contains coarse septations and multiple hypoechoic micronodules

measuring 1 to 6 mm in diameter 90 (Fig. 48.30). Normal, increased,

or deceased color Doppler waveforms may be present. Adjacent

cervical adenopathy is oten noted. he majority of these patients

have spontaneous resolution of symptoms. Suspicious nodules

identiied on thyroid ultrasound in the setting of Hashimoto

thyroiditis are generally followed owing to increased risk of

malignancy. 104,105

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