Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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296 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

FIG. 8.46 Intussusception in Two Patients (A) Sonogram shows

multiple concentric rings representative of the invaginating intussuscipiens

and the intussusceptum. Submucosal metastatic nodule

as lead point. (B) Sonogram of the right lower quadrant shows a

highly echogenic lead point related to a lipoma (arrow). The invaginating

fat in the mesentery is also echogenic. (C) Conirmatory CT scan

for image B. (B and C with permission from Wilson SR. The bowel

wall looks thickened: what does that mean? In: Cooperberg PL,

editor. RSNA categorical course syllabus. Chicago: RSNA; 2002. pp.

219-228. 1 )




AIDS Patients

Today, efective antiviral medications for HIV infection have

drastically changed the outlook for those living with AIDS in

the Western world. Nonetheless, patients with AIDS are at

increased risk for development of both GI tract neoplasia,

especially lymphoma (see Fig. 8.10C and D), and unusual

opportunistic infections, most oten Candida esophagitis and

CMV colitis 65,66 (see Fig. 8.36).

Pseudomembranous Colitis

Pseudomembranous colitis is a necrotizing inlammatory bowel

condition that may occur as a response to a heterogeneous group

of insults. At present, antibiotic therapy with efects from the

toxin of Clostridium diicile, a normal inhabitant of the GI tract,

is most oten implicated. Watery diarrhea is the most common

symptom and usually occurs during antibiotic therapy but may

be quite remotely associated, occurring up to 6 weeks later.

Endoscopic demonstration of pseudomembranous exudative

plaques on the mucosal surface of the gut and culture of the

enterotoxin of C. diicile are diagnostic. Supericial ulceration

of the mucosa is associated with inlammatory iniltration of the

lamina propria and the submucosa, which may be thickened to

many times the normal size. 86

Sonography is frequently performed before pseudomembranous

colitis is diagnosed, oten based on a history of fever,

abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea. Sonographic features

have only rarely been described 87,88 but are suggestive of pseudomembranous

colitis. Usually the entire colon is involved in

a process that may produce striking thickening of the colon

wall. Exaggerated haustral markings and a nonhomogeneous

thickened submucosa, with virtual apposition of the mucosal

surfaces of the thickened walls, are characteristic 63 (Fig. 8.48).

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