Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-17

Cystic artery, 194

prominent, in acute cholecystitis, 197f,


Cystic dysplasia, testicular, 830

pediatric, 1891–1892, 1891f

Cystic encephalomalacia, 1538, 1539f

Cystic ibrosis (CF)

fatty iniltration of liver in, 1740f

fetal, hydrops from, 1428

fetal echogenic bowel and, 1316

fetal liver calciications and, 1316–1318

gastrointestinal tract and, 300

ileal obstruction and, 1310

inborn errors of metabolism and, 1738

ovarian cysts and, pediatric, 1875

pediatric pancreatitis and, 1862–1864

Cystic hygroma(s). See also Lymphatic


in aneuploidy screening, 1093, 1093f

hydrops from, 1425

thickened NT and, 1096f

in Turner syndrome, 1106–1107, 1106f

Cystic kidney disease, CKD and, 1796–1798

Cystic meconium peritonitis, 1842–1843,


Cystic metastases, 82

of liver, 125, 128f

Cystic periventricular leukomalacia, 1551–1552,


Cystic presacral lesions, pediatric, 1915

Cystic teratomas, ovarian, 582–584, 582b, 583f

Cystic tumor(s)

arachnoid cysts diferentiated from, 1192–1193

cavum veli interpositi cysts diferentiated from,


Cystinosis, CKD and, 1796–1798


chronic, 333, 333f

cystica, pediatric, 1908

emphysematous, 333, 334f

genitourinary, 333

glandularis, pediatric, 1908

granulomatous, pediatric, 1908

hemorrhagic, pediatric, 1908, 1910f

infectious, 333, 334f

interstitial, 372, 373f

pediatric urinary tract infection and, 1794,

1796f–1797f, 1908, 1910f–1911f

pseudopolyps and, 333, 333f

Cystitis cystica, 333

Cystitis glandularis, 333

Cystogenesis, 1524, 1525b

Cystoscopy, for lower urinary tract obstruction,


Cyst(s). See also Dermoid cyst(s); Duplication

cysts; Epidermoid cyst(s); Kidneys, fetal,

cystic disease of; Kidneys, pediatric,

cystic disease of; Kidney(s), cysts of;

Pancreas, cystic neoplasms of;


in adenomyosis, 540b, 541, 542f

adnexal, in pregnancy, 1020

adrenal, 421–422, 422b, 423f

amnion inclusion, 1061

anechoic, 331


cavum veli interpositi cysts diferentiated

from, 1170

corpus callosum agenesis and, 1526–1528

fetal brain and, 1192–1193, 1193f

of neonatal/infant brain, 1563–1565, 1565b

spinal canal and, pediatric, 1695–1697, 1696f

Baker, 870, 870f

injection for, 907–909, 908f

Cyst(s) (Continued)

Blake pouch

arachnoid cysts diferentiated from,


sonographic appearance of, 1170, 1173f


type I, pediatric, 1639, 1651, 1651f

type II, pediatric, 1639–1640, 1651, 1652f

type III, pediatric, 1651, 1652f

breast, 774–785

acorn, 778f

aspiration of, ultrasound-guided, 811, 813f

clustered macrocysts and, 779, 780f

clustered microcysts and, 782

with color streaking, 775, 776f

complex, 780–785, 782f

complicated, 775–780, 776f

Doppler ultrasound for diferentiating,

769–770, 770f

eggshell calciication and, 779, 780f

fat-luid levels in, 775, 778f

ibrocystic change and, 775

foam, 779, 781f

inlammation and infection of, 782–785, 785f

lipid, 775–779, 779f

microcysts and, 782, 784f

milk of calcium and, 775, 776f–777f

mural nodules and, PAM causing, 782,


papillary lesions and, 782

septations within, 782, 783f

simple, 774, 775f

of skin origin, 779, 781f

bronchogenic, pediatric, 1650, 1716, 1718f

chocolate, 574–575


of biliary tree, 168–170, 169f–170f

fetal duodenal atresia mistaken for, 1309

of fetal gallbladder, 1319, 1320f

neonatal jaundice and, 1735–1737,


pediatric pancreatitis and, 1862–1864

choroid plexus

fetal brain and, 1170, 1173f

neonatal/infant brain and, 1565, 1566f

spina biida and, 1233

in trisomy 18, 1103f, 1104

in trisomy 21, 1101

connatal, 1566

corpus lutein, 570

pediatric, 1875

daughter, 331, 332f

in Echinococcosis, 1748

decidual, 1054

dorsal midline, in corpus callosum agenesis,

1528, 1531f

ejaculatory duct, 392

embryonic, 1077, 1077f

endometrial, 547–548

epididymal, 839, 842f

pediatric, 1902–1903, 1903f

esophageal, pediatric, 1650


bronchogenic, 1255–1256, 1255f, 1255t

cortical, in renal dysplasia, 1347–1348

neurenteric, 1256

ovarian, 1369, 1369f

pancreatic, 1320

renal, 1346–1352

splenic, 1320–1322, 1322f

ilar, in newborn, 1674–1675, 1678f

follicular, 568

pediatric, 1875

foregut, pediatric, 1650

Cyst(s) (Continued)

frontal horn, neonatal/infant brain and, 1522,

1522f, 1566

ganglion, 869–870, 869f

injection for, 907–909, 909f

Gartner, pediatric, 1883–1884


congenital, 297, 298f

pediatric, 1860–1862, 1863f–1864f

gel, 779, 781f

hydatid, 89, 89f–90f

in Echinococcosis, 1748

renal, 331, 332f

splenic, 147, 150f


amnion, 1061

epidermal, 779

peritoneal, 508–509, 509f, 573, 573f

surface epithelial, 569, 573

vaginal, pediatric, 1883–1884

infrahyoid space, pediatric, 1650

inspissated, 779, 781f

interhemispheric, in corpus callosum agenesis,


intratesticular, 829, 830f

of kidneys, 356–365

percutaneous management of, 617–618, 619f

of kidneys, pediatric, congenital, 1816–1818

dialysis and acquired, 1816–1818, 1817f

ater liver transplantation, 1816–1818

in TSC, 1816, 1817f

in VHL disease, 1816

liver, 82, 82f–83f

autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

and, 83

benign, 82

fetal, 1318, 1318f

percutaneous management of, 618

peribiliary, 82–83


fetal, ovarian cysts diferentiated from, 1369

gastrointestinal cysts diferentiated from,

1860, 1863f

pediatric, ovarian cysts diferentiated from,


peritoneal, 509–510, 510f

milk of calcium, 653, 657f

müllerian duct, 392

pediatric, 1908, 1910f

nabothian, 533, 535f, 1499

neurenteric, pediatric, 1686–1688, 1724

omental, pediatric ovarian cysts diferentiated

from, 1875


dermoid, 582–584, 583f

fetal, 1369, 1369f

functional, 570–571, 571f

hemorrhagic, 570–571, 571f, 575

menstrual cycle and follicular, 568

neonatal, 1876f

paratubal, 573

parovarian, 573

percutaneous management of, 618–619

peritoneal inclusion, 573, 573f

postmenopausal, 569–570, 571f

surface epithelial inclusion, 569, 573

in triploidy, 1105f

ovarian, pediatric, 1873–1877

hemorrhagic, 1877, 1878f–1879f

in polycystic ovarian disease, 1877–1878, 1879f

torsion and, 1875–1876, 1876b, 1877f

pancreatic, 242–248, 243f

congenital, 1865

fetal, 1320

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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