Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Ultrasound Artifacts: A Virtual Chapter

Artifactual Vascular Flow

he Doppler efect (shit) is not speciic to vascular low and

occurs with movement of any relector toward or away from the

ultrasound beam. Fluid or solid tissue motion can mimic vascular

low. Transmitted pulsations, especially close to the heart or major

arteries, can therefore result in artifactual appearance of low

within thrombosed veins or avascular areas. Artifactual vascular

low can also be visualized if the color gain is too high or the

color-write priority is too high.

FIG. A.49 Artifactual Vascular Flow. Color Doppler jets in the

bladder use color motion to indicate that there is low from each ureteral

oriice. 18 (See Chapter 9, Fig. 9.42A.)



FIG. A.50 Artifactual Vascular Flow. Color low Doppler signal in pleural luid with debris. (A) Gray-scale sonogram shows left pleural luid

with much debris. (B) Color low Doppler signal. 20 (See Chapter 50, Fig. 50.14.)

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