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CHAPTER 54 Pediatric Pelvic Sonography 1881

tumors generally have central, low-resistance arterial Doppler

waveforms (resistive index [RI] < 0.4, or pulsatility index [PI]

< 1.0), thought to be caused by a relative paucity of a muscular

layer in the neoplastic vessels, 53 thereby limiting the speciicity

of Doppler imaging. 54 Benign ovarian masses tend to have

peripheral, high-resistance low (RI > .7 or PI > 1.0). However,

nonneoplastic lesions (e.g., tubo-ovarian abscess, ectopic pregnancy,

functioning corpus luteum) also have low-resistance low,

and some malignant tumors show high-resistance low.



Congenital Anomalies

Congenital anomalies of the uterus and vagina in children are

uncommon and usually manifest as an abdominal or pelvic mass

secondary to obstruction. here is a high incidence of associated

renal anomalies (50%) and an increased incidence of skeletal

anomalies (12%). 55 he uterus, cervix, and upper two-thirds of

the vagina are formed by the fused caudal ends of the müllerian

(paramesonephric) duct. he paired fallopian tubes are formed

by the unfused upper ends. he lower third of the vagina is

derived from the urogenital sinus. Müllerian duct development

into the uterus is dependent on the formation of the wolian

(mesonephric) duct. herefore abnormal development of the

müllerian duct, resulting in uterine and vaginal anomalies, is

oten associated with renal anomalies. 56,57

he bicornuate uterus is the most common congenital uterine

anomaly. It results when the two müllerian ducts fuse only

inferiorly 58 (Fig. 54.17). he two separate uterine horns, which

are joined at a variable level above the cervix, are best demonstrated

on transverse sonograms through the superior portion

of the uterus. Most oten only one cervix is visualized (when

FIG. 54.17 Bicornuate Uterus. Transverse image of the uterus in

a 20-year-old woman with acute lower abdominal and pelvic pain reveals

two separate endometrial cavities (arrows) in the middle to fundal region

of the uterus.

there are two, this is a bicornis bicollis) and one vagina is identiied.

With complete duplication of the müllerian ducts

(didelphys), there is a septated vagina and duplicated cervix

and uterus. In either anomaly, obstruction of one uterine horn

can result in a pelvic mass from unilateral hydrometra or

hematometra. Other septation anomalies of the uterus can result

from incomplete involution of the midline septum between the

paired müllerian ducts. A unicornuate uterus is formed from

the agenesis of one müllerian duct. 59 In utero exposure to

diethylstilbestrol (DES) has been associated with development

of a T-shaped uterus. Sonography shows a narrow uterus caused

by absence of the normal, superior, bulbous expansion of the

uterine fundus. hree-dimensional sonography is an excellent

modality for obtaining planar reformatted sections through the

uterus, which allows for precise evaluation of the anatomy. 57

Hydrocolpos or hydrometrocolpos, caused by obstruction

of the vagina, accounts for 15% of abdominal masses in newborn

girls (Fig. 54.18). he obstruction is secondary to an imperforate

hymen, a transverse vaginal septum, or a stenotic or atretic

vagina. here is an accumulation of mucous secretions proximal

to the obstruction. he secretions are secondary to intrauterine

and postnatal stimulation of uterine and cervical glands by

maternal estrogens. A simple imperforate hymen is not usually

associated with other congenital anomalies. However, there is a

high incidence of genitourinary, gastrointestinal, and skeletal

anomalies associated with vaginal atresia or a midtransverse

or high-transverse vaginal septum. Combined perinealabdominal

sonography is an excellent method for accurate

assessment of these anomalies. 60 Although TAS is useful to

determine if hydrocolpos or hydrometrocolpos is present, this

method does not allow measurement of the thickness of a caudally

placed obstructive septum. On sonographic examination,

hydrocolpos appears as a large, tubular, cystic mass posterior to

the bladder and extending inferior to the symphysis pubis. 61

Low-level echoes within the luid represent mucous secretions

in neonates and blood in postpubertal girls 62 (Fig. 54.19). here

may be secondary urinary retention and hydronephrosis.

Imperforate anus, cloacal exstrophy, and persistent urogenital

sinus oten have associated hydrometrocolpos. 63-65 Rarely, one

may see peritoneal calciications complicating hydrometrocolpos

because of a sterile inlammatory reaction to spillage into the

peritoneal cavity of accumulated secretions. 66

he Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome, the second

most common cause of primary amenorrhea, comprises vaginal

atresia, rudimentary uterus, normal fallopian tubes and ovaries,

and broad and round ligaments. 55 he spectrum of uterine

anomalies (hypoplasia or duplication) ranges from a partial lumen

to a septate or bicornuate uterus with unilateral or bilateral

obstruction. hese girls have a normal female karyotype, secondary

sexual development, and external genitalia. here are high

incidences of unilateral renal (50%) and skeletal (12%) anomalies.

Unilateral renal agenesis and ectopia are the most common renal

anomalies. he most common sonographic indings are uterine

didelphys with unilateral hydrometrocolpos and ipsilateral renal

agenesis. Water vaginography can help identify the septated vagina

with unilateral vaginal obstruction 55 (Fig. 54.20). he analogous

genitourinary defects in the male result in duplicated müllerian

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