Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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1872 PART V Pediatric Sonography

Hydrosonourethrography may be used to detect anterior

urethral abnormalities (strictures, calculi, anterior or posterior

urethral valves, foreign bodies, bladder neck dyssynergia,

diverticula, trauma) by scanning the penis with a linear array

transducer during real-time observation during voiding or during

a retrograde hand-injection of saline into the urethra. 15 Postvoid

scanning of the bladder can provide information about bladder

function, diferentiate the bladder from cystic masses or luid

collections in the pelvis, and evaluate the degree of drainage

from dilated upper urinary tracts. When children cannot void,

ilms taken ater a Credé maneuver or catheterization indicate

the efectiveness of these bladder-emptying procedures. We

measure the postvoid residual of the bladder using the following


Length × Width × Depth ( in cm) ÷ 2 = Volume ( in mL)

FIG. 54.3 Normal Trigone. With meticulous scanning, it is possible

to identify the trigone (arrows) in pediatric patients.


The Uterus

he uterus and ovaries undergo a series of changes in size and

coniguration during normal growth and development. 5,13 he

newborn female uterus is prominent and thickened with a

brightly echogenic endometrial lining caused by in utero hormonal

stimulation 16 (Fig. 54.5). In the irst 3 days of life, mean length

and mean volume of the uterus are 4.2 cm and 10.0 cm 3 . 17 he

uterine coniguration is spade shaped with a fundus-to-cervix

ratio of 1 : 2. At 2 to 3 months of age the prepubertal uterus

regresses to a smaller size and lat coniguration (Fig. 54.6), with

a length of 2.5 to 3 cm and a fundus-to-cervix ratio of 1 : 1, and

with the endometrial stripe (when seen) appearing as thin as a

pencil line. his tubular uterine coniguration is maintained until

puberty. he postpubertal uterine length gradually increases












FIG. 54.4 Normal Urethras. (A) Normal female urethra. Using bladder (B) as an acoustic window, urethra (arrow) may be seen. (B) Voiding

sonourethrography indings in a female. With use of a sagittal suprapubic approach during voiding, the female urethra can be seen as a luid-distended

structure. (C) Normal posterior urethra in young boy. Transverse scan through moderately distended bladder (B) shows posterior urethra (white

arrow) and prostate gland (black arrowheads) surrounding the urethra. (D) and (E) Voiding sonourethrography indings in a male. Sagittal scan

demonstrating normal-appearing penile urethra in (D), and the normal-appearing, most distal urethra at the fossa navicularis in the glans of the

penis. (C with permission from Rosenberg H. Sonography of the pediatric urinary tract. In: Bush WH, editor. Urologic imaging and interventional

techniques. Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1989. p 164-179. 16 )

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