Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-14 Index

Chorion laeve, 1465–1466

Chorionic bump, in gestational sac, 1065

Chorionic cavity, 1051, 1053f

Chorionic plate, 1465–1466

Chorionic sac luid, 1054–1055, 1056f

Chorionic villi, 1465–1466

formation of, 1051–1052, 1053f

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 1107–1108,


Chorionicity, in multifetal pregnancy, 1115–1116,


sonographic determination of, 1117–1119, 1118f,

1119t, 1120f–1121f

triplets and, 1122f

Choroid plexus


fetal brain and cysts of, 1170, 1173f

sonographic view of, 1024f

spina biida and cysts of, 1233

trisomy 18 and cyst of, 1103f, 1104

trisomy 21 and cysts of, 1101


in coronal imaging, 1514–1515, 1514f

cysts of, 1565, 1566f

development of, 1522–1523, 1522f–1523f

papillomas of, 1562, 1565f

papillomas of

Aicardi syndrome and giant pigmented nevi

in, 1209

in neonatal/infant brain, duplex Doppler

sonography of, 1588f

VM with, 1177–1178


asymmetry of, in VM, 1178

separation of, from medial ventricle wall, in VM

evaluation, 1176, 1176f

Chromosomal abnormalities. See also Aneuploidy;

Triploidy; Trisomy 13; Trisomy 18;

Trisomy 21

diagnostic testing for, 1107–1109, 1108f

Ebstein anomaly with, 1286

fetal, IUGR and, 1455

fetal hydrops from, 1429–1430, 1430f

maternal age-related risks of, 1088, 1089f

primary amenorrhea in, 1887

teratologic hip dislocation and, 1932

triploidy as, 1104–1106, 1104b, 1105f

trisomy 13 as, 1104

trisomy 18 as, 1103–1104

trisomy 21 as, 1097–1103

Turner syndrome as, 1106–1107, 1106f

Chromosomal anomalies, in CHD, 1270

Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), 1097

Chromosome 11p13, hepatoblastomas and, 1746

Chronic allograt nephropathy, 1810, 1812f

Chronic autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis, 724,


Chronic epididymitis, 841, 843f

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), 1796–1798, 1797t,


Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome

(CP/CPPS), 389–390, 390f

Chronic sclerosing pancreatitis, 236


congenital, fetal, hydrops from, 1425–1426


in hydrops, 1413–1416

primary, 1256

neonatal, radiopaque hemithorax in, 1704f

Chylous ascites, 508

Ciliopathies, 1182, 1346

Cingulate sulcus, 1515

neonatal/infant, development of, 1520–1521,


Circumscribed carcinomas, 786

Circumvallate placenta, 1479–1480, 1480f–1481f


biliary, 92–93, 182

pediatric, 1741

gallbladder wall thickening and, 199f

hepatic vein strictures in, 95, 95f

in inborn errors of metabolism, 1738

of liver, 92–96

Doppler ultrasound characteristics of, 95, 95f

HCC and, 122, 122t

intrahepatic portal hypertension from, 96

morphologic patterns of, 92–95, 94f

pseudocirrhosis of, 125–128, 129f

sonographic features of, 95b

SWE and, 95–96

macronodular and micronodular, 92–93

pediatric, 1741, 1742f

causes of, 1760b

intrahepatic portal hypertension and,


post necrotic, 1741

Cistern, as transtemporal approach landmark,

1592, 1593f

Cisterna magna


efacement of, in Chiari II malformation,

1183–1185, 1184f

normal sonographic appearance of,



clot in, in intraventricular hemorrhage, 1545,


development of, 1524

mega, Dandy-Walker malformation

diferentiated from, 1531, 1534f

CKD. See Chronic kidney disease

Classic diagnostic triad, for renal cell carcinoma,


Clavicle, 878–879, 878f

growth of, normal, 1378

Clear cell carcinoma, 581, 582f

Cleavage, neonatal/infant brain and disorders of,

1532–1536. See also Holoprosencephaly

Clet lip/palate

associated signs of, 1152b

bilateral, 1152, 1156f–1157f

hypertelorism and, 1144f

Roberts syndrome and, 1401

complete compared to incomplete, 1151,


deviation of vomer in, 1151

diferential diagnosis of, 1151b

isolated clets of secondary palate in, 1153

median, 1152

as midface abnormality, 1151–1153

patterns of, 1152f

Tessier category of, 1152–1153, 1153f

trisomy 13 and 18 in, 1151

unilateral, 1152, 1155f

midface hypoplasia with, 1149f

Cleidocranial dysplasia

ribs in, 1382–1384

wormian bones in, 1139

Clinodactyly, fetal, 1404–1405, 1406f

Cliopathies, 1182

Clitoris, fetal, enlarged, 1367

CLO. See Congenital lobar overinlation

Cloaca, 1337f, 1338, 1674

Cloacal exstrophy

fetal abdominal wall and, 1328–1329, 1329f

pediatric, risk of spinal dysraphism with, 1689

sacral agenesis in, 1237

Cloacal malformation, 1310–1311

fetal, lower urinary tract obstruction and, 1363,


pediatric, risk of spinal dysraphism with,


Clonorchiasis, biliary tree and, 178–179, 179f

Clopidogrel (Plavix), 598

Closed-loop obstruction, mechanical bowel and,

293, 295f

Cloverleaf-shaped skull, 1136

craniosynostosis with, 1137f–1138f

in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

in thanatophoric dysplasia type 2, 1388–1389,



fetal, 1407, 1407f

body stalk anomaly and, 1329

campomelic dysplasia and, 1395

in skeletal dysplasia, 1382

spina biida and, 1233

pediatric, 1932

Clubhand, fetal, 1407

in skeletal dysplasias, 1382

Clustered macrocysts, in breast, 779, 780f

Clustered microcysts, in breast, 782

CMA. See Chromosomal microarray analysis

CMV. See Cytomegalovirus infection

CNS. See Central nervous system

CNVs. See Copy number variants

Coagulation necrosis, from HIFU, 32

Coagulopathies, small bowel obstruction from,



of aorta, 1291, 1292f

fetal, hydrops from, 1423–1424

hypoplastic let heart syndrome with, 1287

of frontal horn, 1522, 1522f

of lateral ventricles, 1566

Coccygeal dimples, 1679, 1680f


agenesis of, 1689

development of, in infants, 1677, 1680f

Cogwheel sign, 587–588


infectious, pediatric, 1852

pseudomembranous, 296–297, 298f

tuberculosis, 287–288

ulcerative, 266–267

Collagen bundles, 859

Collagen vascular disease, maternal, fetal AVB

from, 1297

Coloboma, 1143, 1146f


carcinoma of, 261–264, 263f–264f

pediatric, 1880

diverticula of, 290, 291f

fetal, 1308–1316

anorectal malformations and, 1310–1312,


MMIHS and, 1362–1363

pediatric, 1847–1848

ectopic or imperforate anus and, 1847–1848,


interventional sonography and anatomy of,


normal anatomy of, 1847, 1850f

sonographic technique for, 1847

Color assignments, changing, in color Doppler, 933

Color Doppler ultrasound, 24, 25b

aliasing in, 28, 29f, 966

for breast assessment, 769–772, 770f–773f

for carotid stenosis evaluation, 932–935

advantages and pitfalls of, 934–935, 934b, 934f

bruit from, 933, 934f

optimal settings in, low-low vessel evaluation,

933–934, 933b, 934f

color assignments in, changing, 933

for Crohn disease, 268t, 269, 272f

Doppler beam in, vessel paralleling, 933

for epididymitis, pediatric, 1896, 1896b

in fetal heart assessment, 1275–1277, 1282f

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