Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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834 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography




FIG. 22.16 Microlithiasis and Associated Testicular Tumors: Spectrum of Appearances. (A) Light microscopy examination shows multiple

intratubular calciications (dark areas) characteristic of microlithiasis. (B) Longitudinal scan shows a few tiny calciications of limited microlithiasis.

(C) and (D) Diffuse microlithiasis. (E) Transverse scan of testis shows microlithiasis and partially cystic mass caused by mixed germ cell tumor.

(F) Limited microlithiasis with seminoma. Longitudinal scan shows a few tiny calciications and a homogeneous hypoechoic mass. (G) Longitudinal

scan shows microlithiasis and two hypoechoic homogeneous masses (arrows) due to seminoma. (H) Longitudinal scan shows large hypoechoic

mass with multiple small and coarser calciications. (I) Dual transverse image shows large hypoechoic left testicular mass and microcalciications

in the right testis.

associated with a mass, management is dictated by the intratesticular

mass itself. It has been correlated with testicular carcinoma,

although the extent of the risk for subsequent development of

neoplasm and the recommended surveillance in the setting of

microlithiasis remain controversial. 114,115,118 Annual physical

examination and periodic self-examination have been suggested

for those who have no additional risk factors. 114,115,119,120 Recent

literature suggests that there is no causal link and that sonographic

follow-up of microlithiasis should be determined by any additional

risk factors and not the microlithiasis itself. 121



Tunica Vaginalis

Hydrocele, Hematocele, and Pyocele

he normal scrotum contains a few milliliters of serous luid

between the layers of the tunica vaginalis, and this is usually

visible on sonographic examination. Larger volumes of serous

luid, and blood, pus, or urine may also accumulate in the space

between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis

lining the scrotum. hese luid collections should be conined

to the anterolateral portions of the scrotum because of the

attachment of the testis to the epididymis and scrotal wall

posteriorly (the bare area) 9 (Fig. 22.17).

Hydrocele is an abnormal accumulation of serous luid

between the layers of the tunica vaginalis. Hydrocele is the

most common cause of painless scrotal swelling 14 and may be

congenital or acquired. he congenital type results from

incomplete closure of the processus vaginalis, with persistent

open communication between the scrotal sac and the peritoneum,

usually resolving by 18 months of age (Fig. 22.17D).

Acquired hydroceles may be idiopathic or caused by epididymitis,

epididymo-orchitis, torsion, or, in rare cases, tumors.

Hydroceles associated with testicular tumors are usually

small. 3,122,123 Sonography is useful in detecting a potential cause

of the hydrocele by allowing evaluation of the testis when a

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