Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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726 PART III Small Parts, Carotid Artery, and Peripheral Vessel Sonography





FIG. 19.46 Hashimoto Thyroiditis: Coarse Septations. (A) Transverse dual image of the thyroid shows marked diffuse enlargement of both

lobes and the isthmus. Multiple linear bright echoes throughout the hypoechoic parenchyma are caused by lymphocytic iniltration of the gland

with coarse septations from ibrous bands. Tr, Tracheal air shadow. (B) Transverse and (C) longitudinal images of another patient demonstrate

linear echogenic septations throughout the gland. (D) Longitudinal image of another patient shows thicker echogenic linear areas that separate

hypoechoic regions.

FIG. 19.47 Hashimoto Thyroiditis: Nodule. Longitudinal image

shows a discrete hypoechoic nodule (arrows) that proved to be Hashimoto

thyroiditis at ine-needle aspiration biopsy.

FIG. 19.48 Hashimoto Thyroiditis With Papillary Thyroid

Cancer. Longitudinal image shows classic Hashimoto thyroiditis

(micronodularity) and a hypoechoic dominant nodule (arrow) in the upper

pole caused by papillary thyroid carcinoma. A dominant nodule in

Hashimoto thyroiditis should be considered “indeterminate” and ineneedle

aspiration performed.

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