Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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584 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

Doppler evaluation of a benign teratoma may show peripheral

low, but malignancy should be considered if low is seen centrally

and/or within solid areas. Additional indings suggesting malignancy

include isoechoic branching structures within the lesion

and invasion into adjacent organs. 28

Struma ovarii is a teratoma composed entirely or predominantly

of thyroid tissue. It occurs in 2% to 3% of teratomas.

Color Doppler sonography detected central blood low in solid

tissue in four reported cases of struma ovarii, compared with

absent central blood low in benign cystic teratomas. 173 his is

likely caused by the highly vascularized thyroid tissue in struma

ovarii, compared with the avascular fat and hair found in benign

cystic teratomas. Although associated hormonal efects are rare,

sonography may be valuable in identifying a pelvic lesion in a

hyperthyroid patient when there is no evidence of a thyroid

lesion in the neck. 174

Immature teratoma is uncommon, representing less than

1% of all teratomas, and contains immature tissue from all three

germ-cell layers. It is a rapidly growing malignant tumor that

most oten occurs in the irst two decades of life. Sonographically,

the tumor usually presents as a solid mass, but cystic structures

of varying size may also be seen. 163 Calciications are typically



Dysgerminomas are malignant germ cell tumors that constitute

1% to 2% of primary ovarian neoplasms and 3% to 5% of ovarian

malignancies. 50 hey are composed of undiferentiated germ cells

and are morphologically identical to the male testicular seminoma.

Dysgerminomas are highly radiosensitive and have a

5-year survival of 75% to 90%. his tumor occurs predominantly

in women younger than 30 years and is bilateral in approximately

15% of cases.

Sonographically, they are solid masses that are predominantly

echogenic but that may contain small anechoic areas caused by

hemorrhage or necrosis 163 (Fig. 16.20). CT and MRI have shown

these solid masses to be lobulated with ibrovascular septa between

the lobules. 175 A report using color Doppler ultrasound in three

dysgerminomas showed prominent arterial low within the

ibrovascular septa of a multilobulated, solid, echogenic mass. 176








FIG. 16.20 Dysgerminomas in Three Young Women. (A)

Transverse TAS shows large, solid pelvic mass (M) adjacent to

the uterus (U). This appearance could be easily confused with a

uterine ibroid. (B) TVS shows large solid ovarian mass with thin

linear hyperechoic areas. (C) Transverse TAS shows large bilateral

ovarian masses with increased vascularity seen in the right-sided

tumor, which extends over the uterus (U). Note also the enlarged

left ovary (L) due to tumor. See also Video 16.8.

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