Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-51

Renal transplantation (Continued) Retroperitoneum (Continued) Rotator cuf (Continued)

ureteral obstruction complicating, 659–660,


urinomas ater, 665, 672f

pediatric, 1809

Renal tubular acidosis, medullary nephrocalcinosis

and, 1798

Renal tubular disease, inborn errors of metabolism

and, 1738

Renal vein(s)

donor, anastomosis, in renal transplantation, 643

let, anatomic variants of, 457


acute thrombosis of, Doppler assessment of,

1804–1805, 1804b, 1804f

patency of, Doppler assessment of, 1803–1804

stenosis of, ater renal transplantation, 658–659,


thrombosis of, 369, 370f

Doppler assessment of, pediatric, 1809

hyperechogenic kidneys and, 1351

pediatric, acute, Doppler assessment of,

1804–1805, 1804b, 1804f

ater renal transplantation, 658, 662f

urinary tract calciications and, 1799, 1800f

Renal/abdominal circumference ratio, 1338–1339

Renal-coloboma syndrome, MCDK and, 1815

Renovascular disease, 368

Renovascular hypertension

clinical indings suggesting, 446b

renal artery stenosis and, 446–447

Resistive index (RI), 27, 27f

in ACA, in infants, 1576, 1577t

in hepatic artery, elevation of, ater liver

transplantation, 634

intracranial, 1595

in asphyxiated infants, 1580

factors changing, 1612t

factors modifying, 1576, 1576f–1577f, 1576t

hydrocephalus and, 1582, 1584f

intrarenal, pediatric, causes of increased,

1802–1803, 1803b, 1803f

in monitoring intracranial hemodynamics in

infants, 1576, 1577t

in renal artery duplex Doppler sonography, 450

in shunt malfunction and hydrocephalus, 1613,


Resolution, spatial, 16–19, 18f–19f

Resuscitation, neonatal, in fetal hydrops, 1437

Retained products of conception (RPOC), 554–555

pediatric, 1884, 1884f

placenta and, 1487–1489, 1490f

Rete testis, 819

tubular ectasia of, 829–830, 830f

pediatric, 1891–1892, 1892f

Retinoblastoma, metastasis of, to teste, 1901

Retinoic acid, NTDs from, 1218

Retrocalcaneal bursal injection, 902, 903f

Retrocaval ureter, 322

Retrognathia, 1153–1154

Retrogressive diferentiation, in spine embryology,

1672, 1673f

Retromammary zone, of breast, 761, 761f

Retromandibular vein, pediatric, 1630, 1630f

Retroperitoneum, 210. See also Abdominal aortic


abdominal aortic aneurysm and, 433–439

abdominal aortic dilation and, 439–441

atherosclerosis and, 432–433

ibrosis of, 464–465, 465f

luid collections in, 464

masses in, 464

metastases of, 464, 465f

nonvascular diseases of, 464–465

prepancreatic, inlammation of, in acute

pancreatitis, 224–225, 224f–225f

stenotic disease of abdominal aorta and,

441–445, 445f

Retrorenal spleen, 162

Reverberation artifacts, 19, 20f

posterior, liver abscess and, 85–86, 87f

Rh alloimmunization, screening fetus with hydrops

for risk of, 1421–1423

Rh 0 (D) immune globulin (RhoGAM), in immune

hydrops prevention, 1418

Rhabdoid tumors

intraspinal, pediatric, 1689–1691

neonatal/infant brain and, 1562

Rhabdomyoma(s), cardiac

fetal, 1293–1294, 1293f

fetal hydrops from, 1424, 1424f

in infants, 1293

tuberous sclerosis, 1424


bladder, 356

pediatric, 1820, 1823f


biliary, in liver, 1746, 1749f

embryonal, paratesticular, 1903–1904, 1903f

hydrosonovaginography and, 1871f

lower urinary tract and, 1908–1912, 1912f

metastasis of, to teste, 1901

neck, 1665, 1666f

presacral, 1914–1915

salivary gland, 1638–1639

vaginal, 1883, 1883f

scrotal, 840f, 841

in TSC, 1200f

Rh(D) antibodies, immune hydrops and, 1419

Rheumatoid arthritis, 866

erosive, 867, 868f

gout and, 867–869, 868f

of hand and wrist, injections for, 904

joint efusion in, 867, 867f

Rheumatoid nodules, in Achilles tendon, 867, 868f

Rhizomelia, 1381, 1381b, 1382f

Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, 1399

Rhizomelic dysplasia, features of, 1397t

RhoGAM. See Rh 0 (D) immune globulin

Rhombencephalic cavity, 1167

Rhombencephalic neural tube, 1167

Rhombencephalon, formation of, 1077, 1077f, 1167

Rhombencephalosynapsis, 1192

RI. See Resistive index

Rib shadowing, in pediatric chest sonography, 1710


fractures of, pediatric, 1727

in skeletal dysplasias, 1382–1384

Riedel lobe, 80

Riedel struma, 727–728, 728f

Right atrial isomerism, in total APVR, 1290

“Rim-rent” rotator cuf tears, 888, 890f

“Ring of ire” sign, in pediatric ectopic pregnancy,


Ring-down artifacts, 266, 266f

Roberts syndrome, 1401

Rocker-bottom foot, 1406f, 1407

Rokitansky-Aschof sinuses, 202, 203f

Rolland-Desbuquois, 1399

Rostral neuropore, 1167

Rotator cable, 882, 884f

Rotator cuf. See also Shoulder

anatomy of, 879, 879f

hydroxyapatite crystal deposition in, 891–892

muscle atrophy of, 888–889, 891f

musculature evaluation of, 884–886, 885f

postsurgical, 888, 891f

shoulder dysfunction and pathology of, 877

tears of, 886–892

background on, 886

calciic tendinitis and, 891–892, 892f

full-thickness, 886–887, 887f–888f

partial-thickness, 887–888, 889f–890f

subacromial-subdeltoid bursa and, 888–889,


tendinosis as, 886, 886f

Rotator interval, 879, 880f

ultrasound evaluation of, 881–882

Rotter lymph nodes, 762, 808–810, 810f

Round ligament(s), 528, 564–565

cysts of, simulating groin hernias, 500, 501f

relationship of indirect inguinal hernia to,

476–479, 480f

thrombosis of, simulating groin hernias, 500,


varices of, simulating groin hernias, 500, 501f

Round pneumonia, pediatric, 1711–1712, 1715f

RPD. See Renal pelvic diameter

RPOC. See Retained products of conception


congenital, neonatal/infant brain and, 1560

fetal hydrops from, 1432

maternal, pulmonic stenosis and, 1292

Rudimentary horn, 538

Rupture of membranes, preterm premature

cervical assessment in, 1505


SAAAVE Act. See Screening Abdominal Aortic

Aneurysms Very Eiciently Act

Sacral agenesis, 1689

fetal, 1237

in caudal regression, 1237–1238

in caudal regression syndrome, 1401

Sacral bone tumors, 1914–1915

Sacrococcygeal teratomas

fetal, 1238–1239, 1238b, 1239f

hydrops from, 1430–1431

pediatric, 1691, 1694f

classiication of, 1691t

cystic, 1694f

intrapelvic, 1694f

presacral, 1913, 1914f

Saddle nose, in skeletal dysplasia, 1382

Safety. See also Bioefects

AIUM on diagnostic ultrasound and general, 47,


hyperthermia and, 38, 38f

of microbubble contrast agents, 67–68

of obstetric sonography, 1034–1035

guidelines for, 1041–1042, 1042t, 1043f

of transvaginal ultrasound in irst trimester of

pregnancy, 1049

Sagittal sinus, fetal, thrombosis of, 1206f

Saldino-Noonan syndrome, 1396

Salivary glands, pediatric, 1629–1639. See also

Parotid glands, pediatric; Submandibular

glands, pediatric

anatomy of, 1630–1631

inlammation of, 1632–1635

acute, 1632–1634, 1632f–1633f

chronic, 1634–1635, 1634f–1636f

masses of, 1636–1639

neoplasms of, 1636–1639, 1638f–1639f

vascular masses of, 1636, 1637f

viral infections of, 1632, 1632f

Salmon patches, 1679

Salmonella, 1852–1853

Sample volume, in obstetric Doppler ultrasound,


Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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