Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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Index I-47

Pleural efusions

fetal, 1256–1258, 1257f

hydrops and, 1413–1416, 1417f, 1425

lung size and, 1244

primary, 1256

secondary, 1256


drainage of, ultrasound-guided, 1724–1725

sonographic signs of, 1702–1711, 1704f–1708f

Pleural luid, pediatric

aspiration of, ultrasound-guided, 1724–1725,


through hepatic window, 1707f

pneumonia with small amount of, 1706f

septated, 1702, 1708f

sonogram compared to CT scan for, 1709,


sonographic signs of

bare area sign in, 1709, 1709f

color Doppler ultrasound signal in, 1709,


diaphragm sign in, 1709

displaced-crus sign in, 1709

free movement in, with respiration, 1709,


septations in, 1709

sonographic signs of, 1709, 1709b

through splenic window, 1707f

Pleuropulmonary blastoma, 1252–1253

Plexiform neuroibroma, in intraoperative

procedures, 1621f

Plicae palmatae, 533, 535f

PMPI. See Power modulation pulse inversion

Pneumatosis intestinalis

in acute abdomen, 277–281

in gastrointestinal tract, 297–299, 299f

pediatric, sonography for, 1854–1855


biliary tree and, 175–176, 176f

ater liver transplantation, 625, 1767–1768,


Pneumocystis carinii, hepatic opportunistic

infection by, 91, 91f

Pneumonia, pediatric, 1711–1714

air bronchograms from, 1702, 1703f, 1708f

chest radiograph compared to ultrasound for,

1712–1714, 1715f

on chest ultrasound, 1703f

empyema from, 1707f

round, 1711–1712, 1715f

with small amount of pleural luid, 1706f

Pneumoperitoneum, 524–526, 525f

Pneumothoraces, sonographic detection of,


Poland syndrome, ribs in, 1382–1384

Polar arteries, 445–446

Polycystic kidney disease, 359–361

autosomal dominant, 83, 243, 361, 362f

pediatric, 1814–1815, 1815f

autosomal recessive, 359, 361f, 1799

pediatric, 1812–1813, 1814f

congenital hepatic ibrosis and, 1757–1759,


fetal pancreatic cysts and, 1320

Polycystic ovarian disease, pediatric, 1877–1878,


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 573–574,


Polycythemia, dural sinus thrombosis from,



deinition of, 1399

fetal, 1405–1406

postaxial, in trisomy 13, 1104, 1105f

Polydactyly (Continued)

short-rib, syndromes associated with, 1382,

1383f, 1395–1396, 1397f

toe, fetal, 1406f


anorectal malformations and, 1311–1312

cervical assessment in, 1505

diagnostic signiicance of, 1340–1341

esophageal atresia and, 1305–1306

fetal hydrops and, 1418, 1420f, 1432–1433

jejunoileal atresia and, 1310

in lethal skeletal dysplasias, 1386

meconium peritonitis and, 1313

with mesoblastic nephroma, 1352–1353

in trisomy 18, 1104

Polymicrogyria, 1196, 1198f

Polyorchidism, 838–839, 841f

pediatric, 1891

Polypoid intraluminal tumors, 261–264, 263f


endometrial, 544, 548, 549f

tamoxifen and, 544–545

intussusception and, 1844–1845

urethral, posterior, pediatric, bladder outlet

obstruction from, 1906, 1906f

Polysplenia, 159–161

in cardiosplenic syndrome, 1292, 1293b

fetal, 1320

univentricular heart with, 1287–1288

Polysplenia syndrome

biliary atresia in, 1737, 1738f

Doppler evaluation of liver transplant recipient

with, 1764–1766

Polyvinyl chloride, 123

Pontocerebellar hypoplasia, 1190

Pontocerebellar syndrome, vermian dysplasia with,


Popliteal artery, 966

aneurysms of, 972f

normal appearance of, 966–967

occlusion of, 968f

Popliteal cysts, pediatric, 1939

Popliteal vein

normal anatomy of, 980–981, 981f

ultrasound examination of, 982–983

Porcelain gallbladder, 202, 202f

Porencephalic cysts, neonatal/infant brain and,

1537, 1565


from germinal matrix hemorrhage, 1541

HPE diferentiated from, 1189

from intraparenchymal hemorrhage, 1547, 1548f

Porta hepatis, 77, 79f

Portal hypertension

duplex Doppler sonography in, 98

intrahepatic, from cirrhosis, 96

let sided, splenic vein thrombosis from, in

chronic pancreatitis, 232–233, 234f–235f

liver vascular abnormalities and, 96–98, 96f–97f

portosystemic venous collaterals in, 96–98, 96f

presinusoidal, 96

splenomegaly and, 145, 147f

Portal hypertension, pediatric, 1756–1757

backward-low theory of, 1760–1761

Doppler assessment of

abnormal low patterns in, 1754–1756

abnormal hepatic arterial Doppler patterns in,


absent Doppler signal in, 1754, 1754b

arterialized low patterns in, 1754

hepatofugal low in, 1757

intrahepatic portal hypertension and,


in liver disease, 1752–1754, 1754f–1755f

Portal hypertension, pediatric (Continued)

of normal low patterns in splanchnic vessels,


paraumbilical veins low direction in, 1757,


pelvic varices in, 1760f

possibilities and pitfalls of, 1750

in prehepatic portal hypertension, 1757–1759

reversed low in, 1754–1755

sonographic technique for, 1750–1752

splenorenal shunts in, 1757, 1759f

in suprahepatic (posthepatic) portal

hypertension, 1762–1764, 1763f

surgical portosystemic shunts and, 1764

to-and-fro low in, 1754–1755, 1755f

Doppler ultrasound assessment of, 1748–1764

basic principles of, 1748–1750

forward-low theory of, 1760–1761

thickened lesser omentum and, 1756, 1756f

Portal triad, 78

Portal vein(s)

anastomosis of, for liver transplantation, 624

aneurysms of, 103–104

ater liver transplantation, 1768,


anomalies of, 81

cavernous transformation of, 98, 99f

clots in, in acute pancreatitis, 224–225, 228f

fetal liver calciications and, 1316–1318

let, Doppler studies of, best approach for, 1752

liver circulation and, 78

main, Doppler studies of, best approach for,


normal, 76, 77t, 78f


anatomy of, 1731–1734, 1732f

cavernous transformation of, in prehepatic

portal hypertension, 1757, 1761f

low direction through, meals and, 1750

let, branches of, 1734

let, Doppler studies of, 1750

right, branches of, 1733f, 1734

thrombosis of, 1757, 1757b

pseudostenosis of, 636

stenosis of, ater liver transplantation, 635–636,

638f, 1766, 1768f

thrombosis of, 98, 99f–100f

chronic pancreatitis and, 232–233, 235f

from HCC, 120, 121f

ater liver transplantation, 635–636, 639f–640f,


malignant, 98, 99f

pediatric, 1757, 1757b

Portosystemic shunts

intrahepatic, 104, 1761–1762

liver and, 130–132

in portal hypertension, 1757

portocaval, patency of, Doppler assessment of,


surgical, 1764

total or partial, 1764

transjugular intrahepatic, 131–132, 132b,

132f–133f, 1764

Portosystemic venous collaterals, in portal

hypertension, 96–98, 96f

spontaneous routes of, 1752, 1754f

Port-wine stains, 1679

Postablation tubal sterilization syndrome, 551–552

Postaxial polydactyly, fetal, 1405–1406

Posterior cerebral artery (PCA), as transtemporal

approach landmark, 1592, 1593f–1594f

Posterior fossa. See also Cerebellum

abnormalities of, 1192

hemorrhage of, 1548–1550

Volume I pp 1–1014 • Volume II pp 1015–1968

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