Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 21 The Breast 769

A B RT 10 3B RAD LT 2 3B RAD

FIG. 21.12 Value of Split-Screen Mirror Ultrasound Image. (A) Mammography of both breasts showed a focal asymmetrical density in the

left breast, upper outer quadrant on the craniocaudal (CC) view (arrow). (B) Split-screen mirror-image ultrasound images show focal ibrous tissue

in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast that is markedly asymmetrical with the thickness of tissue in the mirror-image upper outer quadrant

location of the right breast. This collection of asymmetrical ibrous tissue is the cause of the mammographic asymmetry.

identiied, ive images of each breast should be acquired. 18 hese

include one image in one plane of each quadrant of the breast,

typically at the same distance from the nipple, and one image

of the retroareolar breast. he axilla can be scanned, but this is

not required.

When performing a targeted diagnostic ultrasound examination,

it is necessary to document that the area in question was

imaged. If the area is palpable, make sure to irst evaluate for

the palpable inding and place the probe immediately over this

location. If a inding is seen, then documentation as described

earlier is necessary. If no abnormal inding is seen—for example,

in the case of a mammographic asymmetry corresponding to

normal breast tissue—then documentation of that area showing

normal breast tissue is still necessary.

Split-Screen Imaging

Split-screen imaging capability is invaluable in breast imaging.

Split-screen images are most frequently used to compare mirrorimage

locations in the right and let breasts to document that

asymmetrical ibroglandular tissue causes either a mammographic

asymmetry or a palpable lump (Fig. 21.12). Split-screen

imaging can also be used to document dynamic events, such as

compressibility and mobility, on a single freeze-frame image and

in simultaneous mode, to show both the gray-scale image on

one side and the color or power Doppler image on the other. It

may also be used to document a inding in both orthogonal

views on the same screen.

Multiple lesions and lesions larger than the width of the

transducer require special techniques for demonstration. Of

several methods for demonstrating larger ields of view (FOVs),

one can use combined split-screen images or extended-FOV

imaging. Extended-FOV images can be helpful in demonstrating

very large lesions, multifocal and multicentric malignant lesions,

lymph node levels, implant integrity, or, as in Fig. 21.13, extensive

ibrocystic change (FCC) with numerous cysts of variable size

within the breast.

FIG. 21.13 Extended–ield-of-view (FOV) images shows extensive

ibrocystic change with numerous cysts of variable size within the


Special Breast Techniques

Doppler Sonography

One of the main purposes of Doppler ultrasound is to help classify

masses seen on ultrasound as benign or malignant. Once a breast

malignancy exceeds about 3 mm in size, it must stimulate

neovascularity to continue to grow. To accomplish this, tumors

elaborate a variety of angiogenesis factors. A net of peripheral

neovessels forms to nourish the rapidly proliferating periphery

of the tumor. Studies have been performed evaluating the presence

or absence of low, the distribution and pattern of vessels, vessel

density, peak systolic velocity (PSV), pulsatility index, and resistive

index (RI) and have found conlicting results, some demonstrating

that these measures could predict malignancy, but others showing

substantial overlap of indings. 19-23 As a result, Doppler cannot

be used independently to classify solid masses as benign or

malignant but rather should be used to supplement the routine

ultrasound evaluation.

hat being said, Doppler ultrasound can be used to diferentiate

solid masses from those that are cystic. Some markedly hypoechoic

solid nodules can have a pseudocystic appearance. Demonstrating

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