Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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538 PART II Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

across the superior aspect of the endometrial edge in the two

cornual regions). 68

In general, if there is an indentation of greater than 1 cm

in the fundal myometrium, one then needs to distinguish

between a bicornuate uterus and uterus didelphys. In bicornuate

uterus, the two endometrial cavities join at some point,

usually just above the cervix. here can be either one cervix

(bicornis unicollis) or two cervices (bicornis bicollis). In

uterus didelphys, there are two separate uterine horns and two

cervices. However, the distinction between a bicornuate uterus

with two cervices versus uterus didelphys may be diicult, and

perhaps not clinically relevant. In a newer classiication system

the overlap between septate and bicornuate uterus is better

described 53 ; however, septate uterus is probably overdiagnosed by

these deinitions. 69

Arrested development of one müllerian duct results in variable

forms of a unicornuate uterus. In general, unicornuate uterus

is easily recognized on 3-D ultrasound because the single horn

coniguration, sometimes referred to as “banana-shaped,” is usually

obvious on the reconstructed coronal plane. he single horn

coniguration of the endometrium, with absence of one cornual

region, is easy to overlook on 2-D ultrasound unless one pays

close attention. A unicornuate uterus may be deviated to one

side of the pelvis, but this uterine deviation can be overlooked

on 2-D ultrasound. When a unicornuate uterus is seen, it is

important to determine if there is a rudimentary horn and if

that rudimentary horn contains endometrium, as such determination

will typically afect management of the patient. 54,70 About

a third of patients with unicornuate uterus will not have a

rudimentary horn. For the approximate two-thirds of patients

with a unicornuate uterus who have a rudimentary horn, about

half will have endometrium in the rudimentary horn. 54,70 In most

patients with a rudimentary horn that has endometrium, the

rudimentary horn does not communicate with the other horn.

hese latter patients are at increased risk for endometriosis and

rudimentary horn pregnancy, which has a high likelihood of

rupture. Hydrometra in the rudimentary horn may be mistaken

for a uterine or adnexal mass. Surgical resection of a rudimentary

horn that contains endometrium, especially if noncommunicating,

is oten recommended. 54 It is not clear how reliably ultrasound,

whether 2-D or 3-D, can exclude the presence of a rudimentary

horn because they are sometimes small and may be obscured

by bowel gas. If a rudimentary horn is not seen on ultrasound,

one should consider MRI to be more conident there is truly no

rudimentary horn.

here are variable and oten complex forms of uterine

hypoplasia or agenesis. One may not be able to perform TVS

in such patients, and MRI may be needed to fully deine the

anatomy as small uterine remnants may be present and diicult

to identify sonographically. he most common form is Mayer-

Rokitansy-Kuster-Hauser syndrome, with most patients having

uterine and vaginal agenesis. 56

Vaginal septa may be transverse or longitudinal in orientation

and are most commonly seen with uterus didelphys, although

they can occur with other MDAs. A transverse septum may

cause obstruction and result in hematocolpos or hematometrocolpos.

A duplicated cervix is a component of uterus didelphys

but can occur with other anomalies. Other than clearly separated

cervices, it can be diicult to distinguish true cervical duplication

from a cervix divided by a septum. With this in mind, in women

with a double cervix it is important to evaluate the full uterine

anatomy because a complete septate uterus is at least as common

as uterus didelphys. 71

he kidneys should be evaluated in patients with MDAs

because renal anomalies occur with increased frequency in

such patients compared with the general population. 54 he

most common renal anomalies are absent or ectopic kidney.

he most common types of MDAs to have associated renal

anomalies are uterus didelphys (oten with renal agenesis

ipsilateral to an obstructed horn) and unicornuate uterus

(usually renal agenesis ipsilateral to the side of the absent or

rudimentary horn).




Uterine leiomyomas, commonly referred to as ibroids, are

common benign neoplasms of the uterus. hey are composed

of varying amounts of smooth muscle and ibrous tissue. he

lifetime prevalence of uterine leiomyomas is greater than 80%

among black women and approaches 70% in white women. 72

Some women with leiomyomas are asymptomatic but leiomyomas

can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain, or “bulk” symptoms

such as bowel or bladder dysfunction. 72

Causes of Uterine Enlargement

Normal variant



Obstructed uterus


Endometrial cancer

Uterine sarcoma

Cervical cancer

Leiomyomas can be classiied by location: submucosal (abutting

the endometrium), intramural (within the myometrium) and

subserosal (involving the serosal surface of the uterus). Some

subserosal leiomyomas are pedunculated, with a common deinition

having the center of the leiomyoma outside the uterus and

attached to the uterus by a stalk narrower than 50% of the diameter

of the leiomyoma. 73 Pedunculated subserosal leiomyomas may

be diicult to distinguish from a solid ovarian neoplasm if the

ipsilateral ovary is not identiied. In such cases, it is oten helpful

to use color or power Doppler imaging to search for vessels

connecting the leiomyoma to the uterus (Fig. 15.11). Leiomyomas

occasionally occur in the cervix. Submucosal leiomyomas, many

of which can be treated hysteroscopically, are oten subclassiied

into type 0 (completely within the endometrial cavity), type I

(more than 50% in the endometrial cavity), and type II (less than

50% in the endometrial cavity). 74 his distinction is important

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