Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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CHAPTER 51 The Pediatric Liver and Spleen 1753







FIG. 51.22 Typical Duplex Doppler Images of Splanchnic Vessels. (A) Normal portal vein examined through a transverse, paramedian,

subcostal approach. Flow luctuates slightly with cardiac systole. Note aliasing artifact from low pulse repetition frequency. (B) Normal right branch

of portal vein seen from an oblique right subcostal approach. Note that a few arterial pulsations are seen as a result of respiratory motion. (C)

Normal main hepatic artery at the porta hepatis, with typical forward low throughout systole and diastole. (D) Normal left hepatic artery branch

with preservation of the dicrotic notch during systole. (E) Normal hepatic vein, transverse subcostal view, with triphasic low, away from transducer

except during right atrial systole when low is toward the transducer. (F) Enlarged splenic vein at hilum with monophasic low away from the

spleen and numerous adjacent varices medially.

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