Diagnostic ultrasound ( PDFDrive )

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I-30 Index

Holoprosencephaly (HPE) (Continued) Hydatidiform molar pregnancy (Continued) Hydrops, fetal (Continued)

neonatal/infant, 1534–1535, 1534b, 1536f

pancake type of, 1187–1189

classiication of, 1187b

corpus callosum agenesis and, 1526–1528

factors associated with, 1187b

fetal brain and, 1186–1189, 1187b, 1188f, 1189b

fetal facial changes associated with, 1189, 1189b

hypotelorism and, 1140

lobar, 1187–1189

classiication of, 1187b

neonatal/infant, 1535

microforms of, 1187

midline interhemispheric form of, 1187, 1189

classiication of, 1187b

neonatal/infant, 1535–1536

neonatal/infant, 1532–1536

alobar, 1534–1535, 1534b, 1536f

classiication of, 1534f

lobar, 1535

midline interhemispheric form of, 1535–1536

semilobar, 1535

semilobar, 1187–1189, 1188f

classiication of, 1187b

neonatal/infant, 1535

thickened NT and, 1096f

in trisomy 13, 1104, 1105f

Holosystolic valvular insuiciency, in AVSD,


Holt-Oram syndrome, 1401

Homozygous Achondroplasia, thanatophoric

dysplasia diferentiated from, 1389, 1389f

Hormonal states, decreased, primary amenorrhea

in, 1887

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 529

endometrium abnormalities ater menopause

and, 544–545, 544b, 545f

Hormonogenesis, disorders of, thyroid hyperplasia

from, 695

Horseshoe kidneys, 159–160, 318, 319f

fetal, 1345–1346, 1345f

with megalourethra, 1362

pediatric, 1784, 1785f

Hourglass gallbladder, 202, 205f

HPE. See Holoprosencephaly

HPS. See Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

HRT. See Hormone replacement therapy

Human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG), 1049,


concentration of, in trisomy 21, 1089–1090

ectopic pregnancy and, 1071

free, 1089–1090

gestational sac and, 1056–1057

normal ultrasound appearance of, 1055–1057,


Human immunodeiciency virus (HIV), 331

chronic parotitis in children with, 1635, 1636f

fetal brain and, 1203–1204

nephropathy associated with, 332–333, 333f

Humerus length, in trisomy 21, 1101

HUS. See Hemolytic-uremic syndrome

Hutch diverticula, 310

Hydatid abscesses, 613

Hydatid cysts

in Echinococcosis, 1748

renal, 331, 332f

splenic, 147, 150f

Hydatid disease, hepatic, 88–90, 89f–90f

Hydatid sand, 88–89

Hydatidiform molar pregnancy, 1078–1080.

See also Persistent trophoblastic


coexistent normal fetus and, 1078–1080, 1081f

complete, 1078, 1079f

partial, 1078, 1080f

pediatric, 1884, 1884f

PTN ater, 1080, 1081f

vaginal bleeding and, 1078


fetal, 1208, 1208f

neonatal/infant, 1538, 1538f

Hydrocele(s), scrotal, 834–836, 835f

fetal, 1367

in fetal hydrops, 1413, 1416f

pediatric, 1899, 1902, 1902f

Hydrocephalus, 1681

communicating, 1177–1178

extraventricular obstructive, 1538

fetal brain and, 1174–1178

from germinal matrix hemorrhage, 1541

HPE diferentiated from, 1189

hydranencephaly diferentiated from, 1208

intraventricular obstructive, 1538

in neonatal/infant, duplex Doppler sonography

and, 1581–1583, 1584f

neonatal/infant brain and, 1538–1541

causes of, 1540b

cerebrospinal luid production and circulation

and, 1538–1541

intraventricular hemorrhage with, 1545–1547,


obstructive, 1177–1178

in Dandy-Walker malformation, 1529–1530

pediatric, TCD sonography in monitoring of,

1611–1614, 1613f

postmeningitis, 1887

in trisomy 18, 1103

VM diferentiated from, 1611–1612

X-linked, 1177

Hydrocephalus ex vacuo, 1177–1178


fetal, 1368

pediatric, 1881, 1882f

Hydrometra, 546, 547f

Hydrometrocolpos, 546–547

cloacal malformation and, 1363

pediatric, 1881


in myelocystocele, 1233

pediatric, 1688


causes of, 316, 317b

deinition of, 1354


degree of, risk of postnatal pathology by,

1355, 1356t

in duplication anomalies, 1359–1360, 1359f,


grading system for, 1354, 1355f

from UPJ obstruction, 1358, 1358f

VUR and, 1360

genitourinary tract obstruction and, 316, 317b

pediatric, causes of, 1785–1791

bladder exstrophy and, 1791, 1791f

bladder outlet obstruction and, 1788,


MMIHS and, 1788–1791

prune belly syndrome and, 1788

UPJ obstruction and, 1786, 1787f

urachal anomalies and, 1791, 1792f–1793f

ureteral obstruction and, 1786–1788, 1787f

VUR and, 1788, 1790f

in pregnancy, 316

Hydrops, fetal

adrenal glands and, 1353–1354

AVSD associated with, 1285–1286

in CHD, 1270

chorioangioma management and, 1476

from CMV, 1204

CPAM and development of, 1248–1249, 1426,


delivery and, 1436

diagnostic approach to, 1432–1435

fetal investigations in, 1433–1435

history in, 1432

maternal investigations in, 1433

obstetric sonography in, 1432–1433

postnatal investigations in, 1435

workshop for, summary of, 1433t

etiology of, 1418–1419, 1421f

immune, 1419–1423

deinition of, 1413

noninvasive assessment of alloimmunization

for, 1421–1423, 1421b, 1422f, 1422t

RhoGAM and, 1418

maternal complications in, 1436

nonimmune, 1423–1432

anemia and, 1431

arrhythmias and, 1424, 1425f

cardiac tumors and, 1424

cardiovascular causes of, 1423–1425, 1424f

causes and associations of, 1412, 1414t

chromosomal abnormalities and, 1429–1430,


deinition of, 1413

drugs and, 1432

endocrine disorders and, 1432

fetal welfare assessment in, 1435

gastrointestinal tract anomalies and,

1427–1428, 1428f

genetic disorders and, 1432

idiopathic disorders and, 1432

infection and, 1431–1432, 1431f

lymphatic dysplasia and, 1428, 1436f

metabolic disorders and, 1432

mortality rate in, 1435

neck abnormalities and, 1425, 1426f

pathophysiology of, 1423, 1423f

skeletal dysplasia and, 1432

thoracic anomalies and, 1425–1427,


tumors and, 1430–1431

twins and, 1429, 1429f

urinary tract anomalies and, 1428, 1429f

obstetric prognosis in, 1435–1437

postnatal outcome of, 1437

predelivery aspiration procedures in, 1437

in sacrococcygeal teratoma, 1238–1239

sonographic features of, 1413–1418

ascites and, 1413, 1415f–1416f

pericardial efusion and, 1416, 1418f

placentomegaly and, 1418, 1420f

pleural efusions and, 1413–1416, 1417f, 1425

polyhydramnios and, 1418, 1420f, 1432–1433

subcutaneous edema and, 1417, 1419f–1420f

thick placenta in, 1466, 1467f

Hydrops tubae proluens, 589

Hydrosalpinx, 573

of fallopian tubes, 585–587, 587f

PID and, 1885

Hydrosonourethrography, 1872

Hydrosonovaginography, 1870–1871, 1871f

Hydrostatic reduction, of intussusception,

ultrasound-guided, 1844–1845

Hydrothorax, fetal, hydrops from, 1425–1426

Hygromas. See Cystic hygroma(s)

Hymen, imperforate, hematometrocolpos form,

546–547, 546f


familial hypocalciuric, 734

medullary nephrocalcinosis and, 1798

Hypercalciuria, medullary nephrocalcinosis and,


Hyperechogenic kidneys, 1351–1352, 1352f

Hyperechoic caudate nuclei, neonatal/infant brain

and, 1557, 1557f

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