Numerical Mathematics - A Collection of Solved Problems

Numerical Mathematics - A Collection of Solved Problems

Numerical Mathematics - A Collection of Solved Problems


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310 NUMERIČKO DIFERENCIRANJE I NUMERIČKA INEGRACIJARešenje. Smenom ax = t integral koji se pojavljuje u (1) se svodi naI = 1 aZ +∞−∞„ « te −t2 f dt .aPrimenom Gauss–Hermiteove formule (videti [2, str. 176]) na ovaj integral dobijamo(2) I = 1 anXB k fk=1„tka«+ 1 a R n(g),gde je g(t) = f(t/a), t k nule Hermiteovog polinoma H n (t) i B k težinski koeficijentiodred¯eni saB k = 2n−1 (n − 1)! √ πnH n−1 (x k ) 2 (k = 1, . . . , n) .Ostatak jeR n (g) = n! √ π2 n (2n)! g(2n) (ξ) (−∞ < ξ < +∞) .S obzirom da je H 0 (t) = 1, H 1 (t) = 2t, H 2 (t) = 4t 2 −2, H 3 (t) = 8t 3 −12t, . . .,na osnovu prethodnog, za n = 3, dobijamo√ √66t 1 = −2 , t 2 = 0 , t 3 =2 ,B 1 = B 3 =22 · 2 · √π √ π`√ =3H 2 6/2´2 6 ,B 2 = 22 · 2 · √π3H 2 (0) 2 = 2 √ π.3Upored¯ivanjem formula (1) i (2) nalazimo−x 1 = x 3 =A 1 = A 3 =√ π6a ,√62a , x 2 = 0 ,A 2 = 2 √ π3a .Najzad, u klasi funkcija C 6 (−∞,+∞), za ostatak formule (1) važigde ξ ∈ (−∞,+∞).R 3 (f) = 1 a · 3! √ π2 3 · 6! ·1a 6 f(6) (ξ) =√ π960 a 7 f(6) (ξ),

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