Teoria y diseño organizacional

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86 Parte 2: Propósito organizacional y diseño estructural


1. Brian Stelter, “Plenty of Users, Too Few Dollars; Trying to Turn

Popularity Into Gold MySpace Gets a New Look”, International

Herald Tribune (16 de junio de 2008), 10; y Ellen McGirt,

“MySpace, the Sequel”, Fortune (septiembre de 2008), 92-102.

2. Amitai Etzioni, Modern Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.:

Prentice Hall, 1964), 6.

3. John P. Kotter, “What Effective General Managers Really Do”,

Harvard Business Review (noviembre-diciembre de 1982),

156-167; y Henry Mintzberg, The Nature of Managerial Work

(Nueva York: Harper & Row, 1973).

4. Charles C. Snow y Lawrence G. Hrebiniak, “Strategy, Distinctive

Competence, and Organizational Performance”, Administrative

Science Quarterly 25 (1980), 317-335; y Robert J. Allio,

“Strategic Thinking: The Ten Big Ideas”, Strategy & Leadership

34, núm. 4 (2006), 4-13.

5. Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg, “Borders Business Plan Gets a Rewrite;

It Will Reopen Web Site, Give Up Most Stores Abroad, Close

Many Waldenbooks”, The Wall Street Journal (22 de marzo

de 2007), B1; y “Research and Markets: Borders’ Strategy for

2008 Includes Development of an E-Commerce Platform”,

Comunicado de Prensa, Yahoo! Finance Website, http://biz.

yahoo.com/bw/081016/20081016005779.html?.v=1, accesado

el 30 de octubre de 2008.

6. Gary Hamel y C. K. Prahalad, “Strategic Intent”, Harvard

Business Review (julio-agosto de 2005), 148-161.

7. Hamel y Prahalad, “Strategic Intent”.

8. Barbara Bartkus, Myron Glassman, y R. Bruce McAfee, “Mission

Statements: Are They Smoke and Mirrors?” Business Horizons

(noviembre-diciembre de 2000), 23-28.

9. Mark C. Suchman, “Managing Legitimacy: Strategic and

Institutional Approaches”, Academy of Management Review

20, núm. 3 (1995), 571-610.

10. Ian Wilson, “The Agenda for Redefining Corporate Purpose:

Five Key Executive Actions”, Strategy & Leadership 32, núm. 1

(2004), 21-26.

11. Bill George, “The Company’s Mission Is the Message”, Strategy

& Business, Edición 33 (invierno de 2003), 13-14; Jim Collins

y Jerry Porras, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary

Companies (Nueva York: HarperBusiness, 1994).

12. Hamel y Prahalad, “Strategic Intent”.

13. Amy Merrick, “How Walgreen Changes Its Prescription for

Growth”, The Wall Street Journal (19 de marzo de 2008), B1.

14. Arthur A. Thompson Jr., y A. J. Strickland III, Strategic

Management: Concepts and Cases, 6a. ed. (Homewood, III.:

Irwin, 1992); y Briance Mascarenhas, Alok Baveja, y Mamnoon

Jamil”, Dynamics of Core Competencies in Leading Multinational

Companies”, California Management Review 40, núm. 4

(verano de 1998), 117-132.

15. Michael V. Copeland, “Stitching Together an Apparel Powerhouse”,

Business 2.0 (abril de 2005), 52-54.

16. “Gaylord Says Hotels Prosper by Becoming Destinations”, The

Tennessean (24 de julio de 2005), http://www.tennessean.com.

17. Chris Woodyard, “Big Dreams for Small Choppers Paid Off”,

USA Today (11 de septiembre de 2005), http://www.usatoday.


18. Charles Perrow, “The Analysis of Goals in Complex Organizations”,

American Sociological Review 26 (1961), 854-866.

19. Johannes U. Stoelwinder y Martin P. Charns, “The Task Field

Model of Organization Analysis and Design”, Human Relations

34 (1981), 743-762; y Anthony Raia, Managing by Objectives

(Glenview, Ill.: Scott Foresman, 1974).

20. Kate Murphy, “Not Just Another Jelly Bean”, The New York

Times (26 de junio de 2008), C5.

21. Joseph Pereira y Christopher J. Chipello, “Battle of the Block

Makers”, The Wall Street Journal (4 de febrero de 2004), B1.

22. Reed Abelson, “Managing Outcomes Helps a Children’s

Hospital Climb in Renown”, The New York Times (15 de septiembre

de 2007), C1.

23. Kevin E. Joyce, “Lessons for Employers from Fortune’s ‘100

Best’”, Business Horizons (marzo-abril 2003), 77-84; Ann

Harrington, “The 100 Best Companies to Work for Hall Of

Fame”, Fortune (24 de enero de 2005), 94; y Robert Levering

y Milton Moskowitz “100 Best Companies to Work For: The

Rankings”, Fortune (4 de febrero de 2008), 75-94.

24. Kim Cross, “Does Your Team Measure Up?” Business2.com

(12 de junio de 2001), 22-28.

25. Larry Huston y Nabil Sakkab, “Connect and Develop; Inside

Procter & Gamble’s New Model for Innovation”, Harvard

Business Review (marzo de 2006), 58-66.

26. Estudios reportados en Gary P. Latham y Edwin A. Locke,

“Enhancing the Benefits and Overcoming the Pitfalls of Goal

Setting”, Organizational Dynamics 35, núm. 4 (2006), 332-340.

27. Paul Sloan, “The Sales Force That Rocks”, Business 2.0 (julio

de 2005), 102-107.

28. James D. Thompson, Organizations in Action (Nueva York:

McGraw-Hill, 1967), 83-98.

29. Michael E. Porter, “What Is Strategy?”, Harvard Business

Review (noviembre-diciembre de 1996), 61-78.

30. Michael E. Porter, “The Five Competitive Forces That Shape

Strategy”, Harvard Business Review, (enero de 2008), 78-93.

31. Sean Gregory, “Under Armour’s Big Step Up”, Time (26 de

mayo de 2008), 44-45.

32. Bill Carter, “Nielsen Tells TV Clients It Is Working on Ending

Delays in Ratings”, The New York Times (9 de febrero

de 2008), C3; y Stephanie Kang, “NBC to Use TiVo’s TV

Viewship Data”, The Wall Street Journal (27 de noviembre de

2007), B8.

33. Peter Loftus, “Drug Firms Employ Strategy Masters”, The Wall

Street Journal (14 de abril de 2008), B5.

34. Geoffrey A. Fowler y Betsy McKay, “Coke Pins China Hopes

on Blitz in Beijing”, The Wall Street Journal (19 de agosto de

2008), A1, A13.

35. Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing

Industries and Competitors (Nueva York: FreePress, 1980).

36. Tom Krazit, “Apple’s iPhone Price Cuts Leave Mixed Feelings”,

CNet News.com, http://business2-cnet.com/Apples+iPhone+pric

e*cuts*leave*mixed*feelings/2100-1041_3-6206367.html, accesado

el 13 de agosto de 2008; Nick Wingfield, “Apple Positions

iPhone As Rival to the BlackBerry”, The Wall Street Journal

(7 de marzo de 2008), B1; Laura M. Holson, “Even AT&T

Is Startled By Cost of iPhone Partnership”, The New York

Times (23 de octubre de 2008), B2; y Brad Stone, “Blackberry’s

Quest: Fend Off the iPhone”, The New York Times (27 de abril

de 2008), BU1.

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