Teoria y diseño organizacional

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Capítulo 10: Cultura organizacional y valores éticos 407

11. Larry Mallack, “Understanding and Changing Your Organizations’s

Culture”, Industrial Management (marzo-abril de

2001), 18-24.

12. Para una lista más completa de los varios elementos que se

pueden utilizar para evaluar o interpretar la cultura corporativa,

véase “10 Key Cultural Elements”, nota en Micah R. Kee,

“Corporate Culture Makes a Fiscal Difference”, Industrial

Management (noviembre-diciembre de 2003), 16-20.

13. Charlotte B. Sutton, “Richness Hierarchy of the Cultural

Network: The Communication of Corporate Values” (manuscrito

no publicado, Texas A&M University, 1985); y Terrence

E. Deal y Allan A. Kennedy, “Culture: A New Look through

Old Lenses”, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 19 (1983),


14. Jarnagan y Slocum, “Creating Corporate Culture Through

Mythopoetic Leadership”.

15. Don Hellriegel y John W. Slocum, Jr., Management, 7a. ed.

(Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western, 1996), 537.

16. Trice y Beyer, “Studying Organizational Cultures through Rites

and Ceremonials”.

17. Jarnagan y Slocum, “Creating Cultures Through Mythopoetic


18. Joanne Martin, Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain

(Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2002), 71-72.

19. Joann S. Lublin, “Theory & Practice: Keeping Clients by

Keeping Workers; Unique Efforts to Encourage Employee

Loyalty Pay Off for U. K. Ad Shop Mother”, The Wall Street

Journal (20 de noviembre de 2006), B3.

20. Raghavan, Kranhold y Barrionuevo, “Full Speed Ahead”.

21. “FYI”, Inc (abril de 1991), 14.

22. Nanette Byrnes, “The Art of Motivation”, BusinessWeek (1 de

mayo de 2006), 57-62.

23. Gary Hamel con Bill Breen, The Future of Management

(Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007).

24. Matt Moffett, “At InBev, a Gung-Ho Culture Rules; American

Icon Anheuser, A Potential Target, Faces Prospect of Big

Changes”, The Wall Street Journal (28 de mayo de 2008), B1;

y Matt Moffett, “InBev’s Chief Built Competitive Culture”, The

Wall Street Journal (13 de junio de 2008), B6.

25. Michelle Conlin, “Netflix: Flex to the Max”, BusinessWeek (24

de septiembre de 2007), 72-74.

26. Gerry Johnson, “Managing Strategic Change – Strategy,

Culture, and Action”, Long Range Planning 25, núm. 1 (1992),


27. Jennifer A. Chatman y Sandra Eunyoung Cha, “Leading

by Leveraging Culture”, California Management Review

45, núm. 4 (verano de 2003), 20-34; y Abby Ghobadian y

Nicholas O’Regan, “The Link between Culture, Strategy, and

Performance in Manufacturing SMEs”, Journal of General

Management 28, núm. 1 (otoño de 2002), 16-34.

28. James R. Detert, Roger C. Schroeder y John J. Mauriel, “A

Framework for Linking Culture and Improvement Initiatives in

Organizations”, Academy of Management Review 25, núm. 4

(2000), 850-863.

29. Basado en Daniel R. Denison. Corporate Culture and

Organizational Effectiveness (Nueva York: Wiley, 1990),

11-15; Daniel R. Denison y Aneil K. Mishra, “Toward a Theory

of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness”, Organizational

Science 6, núm. 2 (marzo-abril de 1995), 204-223; R.

Hooijberg y F. Petrock, “On Cultural Change: Using the

Competing Values Framework to Help Leaders Execute a

Transformational Strategy”, Human Resource Management 32

(1993), 29-50; y R. E. Quinn, Beyond Rational Management:

Mastering the Paradoxes and Competing Demands of High

Performance (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1988).

30. Sara Kehaulani Goo, “Building a ‘Googley’ Workforce;

Corporate Culture Breeds Innovation”, The Washington Post

(21 de octubre de 2006), D1; Adam Lashinsky, “Chaos by

Design”, Fortune (2 de octubre de 2006), 86 y siguientes; y

Adam Lashinsky, “Search and Enjoy”, parte de “The 100

Best Companies to Work For, 2007”, Fortune (22 de enero de

2007), 70-82.

31. Elizabeth Montalbano, “Growing Pains for Google”, Computerworld

(20 de octubre de 2008), 28-31; Adam Lashinsky,

“Where Does Google Go Next?”, Fortune (26 de mayo de

2008), 104-110; y Jessica E. Vascellaro y Scott Morrison,

“Google Gears Down for Tougher Times”, The Wall Street

Journal (3 de diciembre de 2008), A1, A13.

32. Moffett, “InBev’s Chief Built Competitive Culture”.

33. Matthew Boyle, “The Wegmans Way”, Fortune (24 de enero

de 2005), 62-68; y Robert Levering y Milton Moskowitz,

“100 Best Companies to Work For: The Rankings”, Fortune

(4 de febrero de 2008), 75-94.

34. Rekha Balu, “Pacific Edge Projects Itself”, Fast Company (octubre

de 2000), 371-381.

35. Bernard Arogyaswamy y Charles M. Byles, “Organizational

Culture: Internal and External Fits”, Journal of Management 13

(1987), 647-659.

36. Paul R. Lawrence y Jay W. Lorsch, Organization and

Envorinment (Homewood, Ill.: Irwin, 1969).

37. Scott Kirsner, “Designed for Innovation”, Fast Company

(noviembre de 1998), 54, 56.

38. Chatman y Cha, “Leading by Leveraging Culture”; y Jeff

Rosenthal y Mary Ann Masarech, “High-Performance

Cultures: How Values Can Drive Business Results”, Journal of

Organizational Excellence (primavera de 2003), 3-18.

39. Ghobadian y O’Regan, “The Link between Culture, Strategy

and Performance”; G. G. Gordon y N. DiTomaso, “Predicting

Corporate Performance from Organizational Culture”, Journal

of Management Studies 29, núm. 6 (1992), 783-798; y G.

A. Marcoulides y R. H. Heck, “Organizational Culture and

Performance: Proposing and Testing a Model”, Organization

Science 4 (1993), 209-225.

40. Kee, “Corporate Culture Makes a Fiscal Difference”.

41. Tressie Wright Muldrow, Timothy Buckley y Brigitte W. Schay,

“Creating High-Performance Organizations in the Public Sector”,

Human Resource Management 41, núm. 3 (otoño de 2002),


42. John P. Kotter y James L. Heskett, Corporate Culture and

Performance (Nueva York: The Free Press, 1992).

43. Betsy Morris, “The Best Place to Work Now (100 Best Companies

to Work For 2006)”, Fortune (23 de enero de 2006), 79-86.

44. Robert W. Clement, “Just How Unethical Is American

Business?”, Business Horizons 49 (2006), 313-327.

45. Mike Esterl, “Executive Decision: In Germany, Scandals Tarnish

Business Elite”, The Wall Street Journal (4 de marzo de 2008),

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