Teoria y diseño organizacional

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Capítulo 4: El entorno externo 171

6. Jennifer Pellet, “Top 10 Enterprise Risks: What Potential

Threats Keep CEOs Up at Night?” Chief Executive (octubrenoviembre

de 2007), 48-53.

7. Nicholas Zamiska, “U. S. Opens the Door to Chinese Pills”,

The Wall Street Journal (9 de octubre de 2007), B1.

8. Brian Grow, “Hispanic Nation”, BusinessWeek (15 de marzo

de 2004), 58-70.

9. Jeffrey McCracken y John D. Stoll, “Auto Industry Skid

Imperils Parts Makers”, The Wall Street Journal (29 de agosto

de 2008), A1, A14.

10. “A Virtual Roundtable: Seven Thought Leaders Sound Off on

How Connectivity Is Changing the Planet”, Fortune (10 de julio

de 2006), 103-106.

11. Jane J. Kim, “Where Either a Borrower or a Lender Can Be”,

The Wall Street Journal (12 de marzo de 2008), D1, D3.

12. Alex Salkever, “Anatomy of a Business Decision; Case Study:

A Chocolate Maker Is Buffeted by Global Forces Beyond His

Control”, Inc. (abril de 2008), 59-63.

13. Scott Kilman, “Consumers Feel Impact of Rising Grain Costs”,

The Wall Street Journal (8 de agosto de 2008), A1, A11.

14. Joseph B. White, “There Are No German or U. S. Companies,

Only Successful Ones”, The Wall Street Journal (7 de mayo de

1998), A1.

15. Adam Lashinsky, “Intel Outside”, y Patricia Sellers, “Blowing

in the Wind”, segmentos de un suplemento especial titulado

“Fortune 500: The World of Ideas”, Fortune (25 de julio de

2005), 127-138.

16. Mireya Navarro, “Changing U.S. Audience Poses Test for a

Giant of Spanish TV”, The New York Times (10 de marzo de

2006), A1.

17. Randall D. Harris, “Organizational Task Environments:

An Evaluation of Convergent and Discriminant Validity”,

Journal Of Management Studies 41, núm. 5 (julio de 2004),

857-882; Allen C. Bluedorn, “Pilgrim’s Progress: Trends

and Convergence in Research on Organizational Size and

Environment”, Journal of Management 19 (1993), 163-191;

Howard E. Aldrich, Organizations and Environments

(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979); y Fred E.

Emery y Eric L. Trist, “The Casual Texture of

Organizational Environments”, Human Relations 18

(1965), 21-32.

18. Gregory G. Dess y Donald W. Beard, “Dimensions of

Organizational Task Environments”, Administrative Science

Quarterly 29 (1984), 52-73; Ray Jurkovich, “A Core

Typology of Organizational Environments”, Administrative

Science Quarterly 19 (1974), 380-394; Robert B. Duncan,

“Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived

Environmental Uncertainty”, Administrative Science Quarterly

17 (1972), 313-327.

19. Christine S. Koberg y Gerardo R. Ungson, “The Effects of

Environmental Uncertainty and Dependence on Organizational

Structure and Performance: A Comparative Study” Journal of

Management 13 (1987), 725-737; y Frances J. Milliken, “Three

Types of Perceived Uncertainty about the Environment: State,

Effect, and Response Uncertainty”, Academy of Management

Review 12 (1987), 133-143.

20. Jon Swartz, “MySpace Cranks Up Heat in Turf War with

Facebook”, USA Today (21 de diciembre de 2007), B1; y Ellen

McGirt, “MySpace, The Sequel”, Fortune (septiembre de 2008),


21. Heather Green, The Big Shots of Blogdom, BusinessWeek

(7 de mayo de 2007), 66; David Kirkpatrick y Daniel Roth,

“Why There’s No Escaping the Blog”, Fortune (10 de enero de

2005), 44-50.

22. J.A. Litterer, The Analysis of Organizations, 2a. ed. (Nueva

York: Wiley, 1973), 335.

23. Constance L. Hays, “More Gloom on the Island of Lost Toy

Makers”, The New York Times (23 de febrero de 2005), C1;

y Nicholas Casey, “Fisher-Price Game Plan: Pursue Toy Sale in

Developing Markets”, The Wall Street Journal (29 de mayo de

2008), B1, B2.

24. Rosalie L. Tung, “Dimensions of Organizational Environments:

An Exploratory Study of Their Impact on Organizational

Structure”, Academy of Management Journal 22 (1979),


25. Joseph E. McCann and John Selsky, “Hyper-turbulence and the

Emergence of Type 5 Environments”, Academy of Management

Review 9 (1984), 460-470.

26. Susan Carey y Melanie Trottman, “Airlines Face New

Reckoning as Fuel Costs Take Big Bite”, The Wall Street

Journal (20 de marzo de 2008), A1, A15.

27. Barney Gimbel, “Attack of the Wal-Martyrs”, Fortune (11 de

diciembre de 2006), 125-130; y Michael Barbaro, “Wal-Mart

Begins Quest for Generals in P. R. War”, The New York Times

(30 de marzo de 2006), C3.

28. James D. Thompson, Organizations in Action (Nueva York:

McGraw-Hill, 1967), 20-21.

29. Kevin Kelly, “The New Soul of John Deere”, BusinessWeek

(31 de enero de 1994), 64-66; Laura M. Holson, “Hoping to

Make Phone Buyers Flip” The New York Times (29 de febrero

de 2008), C1.

30. David B. Jemison, “The Importance of Boundary Spanning

Roles in Strategic Decision-Making”, Journal of Management

Studies 21 (1984), 131-152; y Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmad

at-Twaijri y John R. Montanari, “The Impact of Context

and Choice on the Boundary-Spanning Process: An Empirical

Extension”, Human Relations 40 (1987), 783-798.

31. Michelle Cook, “The Intelligentsia”, Business 2.0 (julio de

1999), 135-136.

32. Robert C. Schwab, Gerardo R. Ungson y Warren B.

Brown, “Redefining the Boundary-Spanning Environment

Relationship”, Journal of Management 11 (1985), 75-86.

33. Tom Duffy, “Spying the Holy Grail”, Microsoft Executive

Circle (invierno de 2004), 38-39.

34. Julie Schlosser, “Looking for Intelligence in Ice Cream”,

Fortune (17 de marzo de 2003), 114-120.

35. Ken Western, “Ethical Spying”, Business Ethics (septiembreoctubre

1995), 22-23; Stan Crock, Geoffrey Smith, Joseph

Weber, Richard A. Melcher y Linda Himelstein, “They Snoop

to Conquer”, BusinessWeek (28 de octubre de 1996), 172-176;

y Kenneth A. Sawka, “Demystifying Business Intelligence”,

Management Review (octubre de 1996), 47-51.

36. Liam Fahey y Jan Herring, “Intelligence Teams”, Strategy &

Leadership 35, núm. 1 (2007), 13-20.

37. Edwin M. Epstein, “How to Learn from the Environment

about the Environment—A Prerequisite for Organizational

Well-Being”, Journal of General Management 29, núm. 1

(otoño de 2003), 68-80.

38. “Snooping on a Shoestring”, Business 2.0 (mayo de 2003),


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