Teoria y diseño organizacional

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528 Parte 5: Administración de procesos dinámicos

67. Gerald R. Ferris y K. Michele Kacmar, “Perceptions of

Organizational Politics”, Journal of Management 18 (1992),

93-116; Parmod Kumar y Rehana Ghadially, “Organizational

Politics and Its Effects on Members of Organizations”, Human

Relations 42 (1989), 305-314; Donald J. Vredenburgh y John

G.Maurer, “A Process Framework of Organizational Politics”,

Human Relations 37 (1984), 47-66; y Gerald R. Ferris, Dwight

D. Frink, Maria Carmen Galang, Jing Zhou, Michele Kacmar

y Jack L. Howard, “Perceptions of Organizational Politics:

Prediction, Stress-Related Implications, and Outcomes”,

Human Relations 49, núm. 2 (1996), 233-266.

68. Ferris et al., “Perceptions of Organizational Politics: Prediction,

Stress-Related Implications, and Outcomes”; John J. Voyer,

“Coercive Organizational Politics and Organizational Outcomes:

An Interpretive Study”, Organization Science 5, núm. 1 (febrero

de 1994), 72-85; y James W. Dean, Jr. y Mark P. Sharfman,

“Does Decision Process Matter? A Study of Strategic Decision-

Making Effectiveness”, Academy of Management Journal 39,

núm. 2 (1996), 368-396.

69. Jeffrey Pffefer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in

Organizations (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992).

70. Amos Drory y Tsilia Romm, “The Definition of Organizational

Politics: A Review”, Human Relations 43 (1990), 1133-1154;

Vredenburgh y Maurer, “A Process Framework of Organizational

Politics”; y Lafe Low, “It’s Politics, As Usual”, CIO

(1 de abril de 2004), 87-90.

71. “Questioning Authority; Mario Moussa Wants You to Win

Your Next Argument” (Mario Moussa entrevistado por Vadim

Liberman); The Conference Board Review (noviembre-diciembre

de 2007), 25-26.

72. Pfeffer, Power in Organizations, 70.

73. Madison et al., “Organizational Politics”; y Jay R.Galbraith,

Organizational Design (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley,


74. Gantz y Murray, “Experience of Workplace Politics; y Pfeffer,

Power in Organizations.

75. Daniel J. Brass y Marlene E. Buckhardt, “Potential Power

and Power Use: An Investigation of Structure and Behavior”,

Academy of Management Journal 38 (1993), 441-470.

76. Gerald R. Ferris, Darren C. Treadway, Pamela L. Perrewé,

Robyn L. Brouer, Ceasar Douglas y Sean Lux, “Political Skill

in Organizations”, Journal of Management (junio de 2007),

290-320; “Questioning Authority; Mario Moussa Wants

You to Win Your Next Argument”; y Samuel B. Bacharach,

“Politically Proactive”, Fast Company (mayo de 2005), 93.

77. Harvey G. Enns y Dean B. McFarlin, “When Executives

Influence Peers, Does Function Matter?”, Human Resource

Management 4, núm. 2 (verano de 2003), 125-142.

78. Hickson et al., “A Strategic Contingencies Theory”.

79. Pfeffer, Power in Organizations.

80. Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: Science and Practice, 4a. ed.

(Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2001); R. B. Cialdini, “Harnessing

the Science of Persuasion”, Harvard Business Review (octubre

de 2001), 72-79; Allan R. Cohen y David L. Bradford, “The

Influence Model: Using Reciprocity and Exchange to Get What

You Need”, Journal of Organizational Excellence (invierno de

2005), 57-80; y Jared Sandberg, “People Can’t Resist Doing a

Big Favor – or Asking for One” (columna de Cubicle Culture),

The Wall Street Journal (18 de diciembre de 2007), B1.

81. Ferris et al., “Political Skill in Organizations”; y Pfeffer,

Power in Organizations.

82. V. Dallas Merrell, Huddling: The Informal Way to

Management Success (Nueva York: AMACON, 1979).

83. Ceasar Douglas y Anthony P. Ammeter, “An Examination

of Leader Political Skill and Its Effect on Ratings of Leader

Effectiveness”, The Leadership Quarterly 15 (2004), 537-550.

84. Vredenburgh y Maurer, “A Process Framework of

Organizational Politics”.

85. Pfeffer, Power in Organizations.

86. Ibid.

87. Ibid.

88. Ibid.

89. Damon Darlin, “Using the Web to Get the Boss to Pay

More”, The New York Times (3 de marzo de 2007), C1.

90. Steven R. Weisman, “How Battles at Bank Ended ‘Second

Chance’ at a Career”, The New York Times (18 de mayo de

2007), A14.

91. Kanter, “Power Failure in Management Circuits”; y Pfeffer,

Power in Organizations.

92. Robert R. Blake y Jane S. Mouton, “Overcoming Group

Warfare”, Harvard Business Review (noviembre-diciembre de

1984), 98-108.

93. Blake y Mouton, “Overcoming Group Warfare”; Paul R.

Lawrence y Jay W. Lorsch, “New Management Job: The

Integrator”, Harvard Business Review 45 (noviembre-diciembrede

1967), 142-151.

94. John S. McClenahen, “Culture of Cooperation” (Industry

Week’s Best Plants series: Magee Rieter Automotive

Systems), Industry Week (octubre de 2006), 38.

95. Ibid.

96. Robert R. Blake, Herbert A. Shepard y Jane S. Mouton,

Managing Intergroup Conflict in Industry (Houston: Gulf

Publishing, 1964); y Doug Stewart, “Expand the Pie before

You Divvy It Up”, Smithsonian (noviembre de 1997), 78-90.

97. Patrick S. Nugent, “Managing Conflict: Third-Party

Interventions for Managers”, Academy of Management

Executive 16, núm. 1 (2002), 139-155.

98. Blake y Mouton, “Overcoming Group Warfare”; Schein,

Organizational Psychology; Blake, Shepard y Mouton,

“Managing Intergroup Conflict in Industry”; y Richard E,

Walton, Interpersonal Peacemaking: Confrontation and Third-

Party Consultations (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1969).

99. Neilsen, “Understanding and Managing Intergroup Conflict”;

y McCann y Galbraith, “Interdepartmental Relations”.

100. Ibid.

101. Dean Tjosvold, Valerie Dann y Choy Wong, “Managing

Conflict between Departments and Serve Customers”,

Human Relations 45 (1992), 1035-1054.

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