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Capítulo 11: Innovación y cambio 447

33. Chistopher Hoenig, “Skunk Works Secrets”, CIO (1 de julio de

2000), 74-76.

34. Phaedra Hise. “New Recruitment Strategy: Ask Your Best

Employees to Leave”, Inc. (julio de 1997), 2.

35. Daniel F. Jennings y James R. Lumpkin, “Functioning Modeling

Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Integrative Analysis”,

Journal of Management 15 (1989), 485-502; y Julian Birkinshaw,

“The Paradox of Corporate Entrepreneurship”, Strategy &

Business, Ejemplar 30 (primavera de 2003), 46-57.

36. Jane M. Howell y Christopher A. Higgins, “Champions of

Technology Innovation”, Administrative Science Quarterly

35 (1990), 317-341; y Jane M. Howell y Christopher A.

Higgins, “Champions of Change: Identifying, Understanding,

and Supporting Champions of Technology Innovation”,

Organizational Dynamics (verano de 1990), 40-55.

37. Thomas J. Peters y Robert H. Waterman, Jr., In Search of

Excellence (Nueva York: Harper & Row, 1982).

38. Véase Lionel Roure, “Product Champion Characteristics in

France and Germany”, Human Relations 54, núm. 54 (2001),

663-682, para un repaso de la literatura relacionada con los

campeones del producto.

39. Lewis, “Texas Instruments’ Lunatic Fringe”.

40. Rob Cross, Andrew Hargadon, Salvatore Parise y Robert J.

Thomas, “Business Insight (A Special Report); Together We

Innovate: How Can Companies Come Up With New Ideas?

By Getting Employees Working with One Another”, The Wall

Street Journal (15 de septiembre de 2007). R6.

41. Jessi Hempel, “Big Blue Brainstorm”, Business Week (7 de

agosto de 2006), 70.

42. G. A. Stevens y J. Burley, “3,000 Raw Ideas = 1 Commercial

Success!” Research Technology Management 40, núm. 3

(mayo-junio de 1997), 16-27; R. P. Morgan, C. Kruytbosch

y N. Kannakutty, “Patenting and Invention Activity of U.S.

Scientists and Engineers in the Academic Sector: Comparisons

with Industry”, Journal of Technology Transfer 26 (2001), 173-

183; Edwin Mansfield, J. Rapaport, J. Schnee, S. Wagner y M.

Hamburger, Research and Innovation in Modern Corporations

(Nueva York: Norton, 1971); Christopher Power con Kathleen

Kerwin, Ronald Grover, Keith Alexander y Robert D. Hof,

“Flops”, Business Week (16 de agosto de 1993), 76-82; y

Modesto A. Maidique y Billie Jo Zirger, “A Study of Success

and Failure in Product Innovation: The Case of the U.S.

Electronics Industry”, IEEE Transactions in Engineering

Management 31 (noviembre de 1984), 192-203.

43. Scott Hensley, “Bleeding Cash: Pfizer ‘Youth Pill’ Ate Up $71

million Before It Flopped”, The Wall Street Journal (2 de mayo

de 2002), A1, A8.

44. Estudio de Linton, Matysiak & Wilkes Inc. reportado en

“Market Study Results Released: New Product Introduction

Success, Failure Rates Analyzed”, Frozen Food Digest (1 de

julio de 1997).

45. Deborah Dougherty y Cynthia Hardy, “Sustained Product Innovation

in Large, Mature Organizations: Overcoming Innovationto-Organization

Problems”, Academy of Management Journal

39, núm. 5 (1996), 1120-1153.

46. M. Adams y la Asociación de desarrollo y administración

del producto. “Comparative Performance Assesment Study

2004”, disponible para su compra en http://www.pdma.org.

Los resultados se reportaron en Jeff Cope, “Lessons Learned-

Commercialization Success Rates: A Brief Review, boletín de

RTI Tech Ventures 4, núm. 4 (diciembre de 2007).

47. Ibid.

48. Shona L. Brown y Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, “Product

Development: Past Research, Present Findings, and Future

Directions”, Academy of Management Review 20, núm. 2

(1995), 343-378: F. Axel Johne y Patricia A. Snelson, “Success

Factors in Product Innovation: A Selective Review of the

Literature”, Journal of Product Innovation Management 5

(1988), 114-128; Antonio Bailetti y Paul F. Litva, “Integrating

Customer Requirements into Product Designs”, Journal of

Product Innovation Management 12 (1995), 3-15; y Science

Police Research Unit, University of Sussex, Success and Failure

in Industrial Innovation (Londres: Centre for the Study of

Industrial Innovation, 1972).

49. Dorothy Leonard y Jeffrey F. Rayport, “Spark Innovation

through Emphatic Design”, Harvard Business Review (noviembre-diciembre

de 1997), 102-113.

50 Brown y Eisenhardt, “Product Development”; y Dan

Dimancescu y Kemp Dwenger, “Smoothing the Product

Development Path”, Management Review (enero de 1996),


51. Kenneth B. Kahn, “Market Orientation, Interdepartmental

Integration, and Product Development Performance”. The

Journal of Product Innovation Management 18 (2001), 314-323;

y Ali E. Akgün, Gary S. Lynn y John C. Byrne, “Taking the

Guesswork Out of New Product Development: How Successful

High-Tech Companies Get That Way”, Journal of Business

Strategy 25, núm. 4 (2004), 41-46.

52. La discusión de la innovación abierta se basa en Henry

Chesbrough, “The Era of Open Innovation”, MIT Sloan

Management Review (primavera de 2003), 35-41; Julian

Birkinshaw y Susan A. Hill “Corporate Venturing Units:

Vehicles for Strategic Success in the New Europe”,

Organizational Dynamics 34, núm. 3 (2005), 247-257; Amy

Muller y Liisa Välikangas. “Extending the Boundary of

Corporate Innovation”, Strategy & Leadership 30, núm. 3

(2002); 4-9; Navi Radjou, “Networked Innovation Drives

Profits”, Industrial Management (enero-febrero de 2005),

14-21; Darrell Rigby y Barbara Bilodeau, “The Bain 2005

Management Tool Survey”, Strategy & Leadership 33, núm. 4

(2005), 4-12; Ian Mount, “The Return of the Lone Inventor”,

FSB (Fortune Small Business) (marzo de 2005), 18; y Henry

Chesbrough, “The Logic of Open Innovation: Managing

Intellectual Property”, California Management Review 45,

núm. 3 (primavera de 2003), 33-58.

53. Reportado en Jill Jusko, “A Team Effort”, Industry Week

(enero de 2007), 42, 45.

54. Bettina von Stamm, “Collaboration with Other Firms

and Customers: Innovation´s Secret Weapon”, Strategy &

Leadership 32, núm. 3 (2004). 16-20; y Bas Hillebrand y Wim

G. Biemans, “Links between Internal and External Cooperation

in Product Development: An Exploratory Study”, The Journal

of Product Innovation Management 21 (2004), 110-122.

55. Max Chafkin, “The Customer Is the Company”, Inc. (junio de

2008), 88-96.

56 Jeff Jarvis, “The Buzz From Starbucks Customers”, Business

Week (28 de abril de 2008), 106; Chafkin, “The Customer Is

the Company”.

57. Bob Tedeschi, “Putting Innovation in the Hands of a Crowd”,

The New York Times (3 de marzo de 2008), C6.

58. Ann Harrington, “Who’s Afraid of a New Product?” Fortune

(10 de noviembre de 2003), 189-192.

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