Teoria y diseño organizacional

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Capítulo 13: Conflicto, poder y política 527

27. Richard M. Emerson, “Power-Dependence Relations”,

American Sociological Review 27 (1962), 31-41.

28. Sharon Waxman, “Squabbling and Spiraling Costs Dissolve

a Comedy Mill”, The New York Times (25 de septiembre de

2006), C1.

29. Los ejemplos son Robert Greene y Joost Elffers, The 48 Laws

of Power (Nueva York: Viking, 1999); y Jeffrey J. Fox, How to

Become CEO (Nueva York: Hyperion, 1999).

30. John R. P. French, Jr. y Bertram Raven, “The Bases of Social

Power”, en D. Cartwright y A. F. Zander, eds., Group

Dynamics (Evanston, Ill: Row Peterson, 1960), 607-623.

31. Ran Lachman, “Power from What? A Reexamination of Its

Relationships with Structural Conditions”, Administrative

Science Quarterly 34 (1989), 231-251; y Daniel J. Brass, “Being

in the Right Place: A Structural Analysis of Individual Influence

in an Organization”, Admistrative Science Quarterly 29 (1984),


32. Michael Warshaw, “The Good Guy’s Guide to Office Politics”,

Fast Company (abril-mayo de 1998), 157-178.

33. A. J. Grimes, “Authority, Power, Influence, and Social Control:

A Theoretical Synthesis”, Academy of Management Review 3

(1978), 724-735.

34. Astley y Sachdeva, “Structural Sources of Intraorganizational


35. Robert A. Guth, “Gates-Ballmer Clash Shaped Microsoft’s

Coming Handover”, The Wall Street Journal (5 de junio de

2008), A1.

36. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in

Organizations (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992).

37. Monica Langley, “Columbia Tells Doctors at Hospital to End

Their Outside Practice”, The Wall Street Journal (2 de mayo de

1997), A1, A6.

38. Richard S. Blackburn, “Lower Participant Power: Toward a

Conceptual Integration”, Academy of Management Review 6

(1981), 127-131.

39. Kanter, “Power Failure en Management Circuits”, 70

40. Pfeffer, Power in Organizations.

41. Eric W. Larson y Jonathan B. King, “The Systemic Distortion

of Information: An Ongoing Challenge to Management”,

Organizational Dynamics 24, núm. 3 (invierno de 1996), 49-61;

y Thomas H. Davenport, Robert G. Eccles y Lawrence Prusak,

“Information Politics”, Sloan Management Review (otoño de

1992), 53-65.

42. Andrew M. Pettigrew, The Politics of Organizational Decision-

Making (Londres: Tavistock, 1973).

43. Warshaw, “The Good Guy’s Guide to Office Politics”.

44. Astley y Sachdeva, “Structural Sources of Intraorganizational

Power”; y Noel M. Tichy y Charles Fombrun, “Network Analysis

in Organizational Settings”, Human Relations 32 (1979), 923-965.

45. Greg Ip, Kate Kelly, Susanne Craig y Ianthe Jeanne Dugan, “A

Bull’s Market: Dick Grasso’s NYSE Legacy: Buffed Image, Shaky

Foundation”, The Wall Street Journal (30 de diciembre de 2003),

A1, A6; y Yochi J. Dreazen y Christopher Cooper, “Lingering

Presence; Behind the Scenes, U.S. Tightens Grip on Iraq’s

Future”, The Wall Street Journal (13 de mayo de 2004), A1.

46. Edwin P. Hollander y Lynn R. Offermann, “Power and

Leadership in Organizations”, American Psychologist 45

(febrero de 1990), 179-189.

47. Jay A. Conger y Rabindra N. Kanungo, “The Empowerment

Process: Integrating Theory and Practice”, Academy of

Management Review 13 (1988), 471-482.

48. David E. Bowen y Edward E. Lawler III, “The Empowerment

of Service Workers: What, Why, How, and When”, Sloan

Management Review (primavera de 1992), 31-39; y Ray

W. Coye y James A. Belohav, “An Exploratory Analysis

of Employee Participation”, Group and Organization

Management 20, núm. 1 (marzo de 1995), 4-17.

49. Robert C. Ford y Myron D. Fottler, “Empowerment: A Matter

of Degree”, Academy of Management Executive 9, núm. 3

(1995), 21-31.

50. Ricardo Semler, “Out of This World: Doing Things the Semco

Way”, Global Business and Organizational Excellence (julioagosto

de 2007), 13-21.

51. Charles Perrow, “Departmental Power and Perspective in Industrial

Firms”, en Mayer N. Zald, ed., Power in Organizations

(Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1970), 59-89.

52. Dionne Searcey, Kevin J. Delaney y Dennis K. Berman, “New

Numbers: As Power Shifts, AT&T May Alter Yahoo Pact”, The

Wall Street Journal (9 de marzo de 2007), A1.

53. D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings, C. A. Lee, R. E. Schneck

y J. M. Pennings, “A Strategic Contingencies Theory of

Intraorganizational Power”, Administrative Science Quarterly

16 (1971), 216-229; y Gerald R. Salancik y Jeffrey Pfeffer,

“Who Gets Power – and How They Hold onto It: A Strategic-

Contingency Model of Power”, Organizational Dynamics

(invierno de 1977), 3-21.

54. William C. Rhoden, “The N.F.L. Backed Down for All the

World to See”, The New York Times (30 de diciembre de

2007), Sección Deportiva Dominical, 1, 3.

55. Pfeffer, Managing with Power; Salancik y Pfeffer, “Who Gets

Power”; C. R. Hinnings, D. J. Hickson, J. M. Penning y R. E.

Schneck, “Structural Conditions of Intraorganizational Power”,

Administrative Science Quarterly 19 (1974), 22-44.

56. Carol Stoak Saunders, “The Strategic Contingencies Theory

of Power: Multiple Perspectives”, Journal of Management

Studies 27 (1990), 1-18; Warren Boeker, “The Development

and Institutionalization of Sub-Unit Power in Organizations”,

Administrative Science Quarterly 34 (1989), 388-510; e Irit

Cohen y Ran Lachman, “The Generality of the Strategic

Contingencies Approach to Sub-Unit Power”, Organizational

Studies 9 (1988), 371-391.

57. Emerson, “Power-Dependence Relations”.

58. Jeffrey Pfeffer y Gerald Salancik, “Organizational Decision-

Making as a Political Process: The Case of a University

Budget”, Administrative Science Quarterly (1974), 135-151.

59. Salancik y Pfeffer, “Bases and Use of Power in Organizational

Decision-Making”, 470.

60. Hickson et al., “A Strategic Contingencies Theory”.

61. Pettigrew, The Politics of Organizational Decision-Making.

62. Robert Levine, “For Some Music, It Has to Be Wal-Mart and

Nowhere Else”, The New York Times (9 de junio de 2008), C1.

63. Hickson et al., “A Strategic Contingencies Theory”.

64. Ibid.

65. John Carreyrou, “Nonprofit Hospitals Flex Pricing Power-In

Roanoke, Va., Carilion’s Fees Exceed Those of Competitors”,

The Wall Street Journal (28 de agosto de 2008), A1.

66. Jeffrey Gantz y Victor V. Murray, “Experience of Workplace

Politics”, Academy of Management Journal 23 (1980), 237-

251; y Dan L. Madison, Robert W. Allen, Lyman W. Porter,

Patricia A. Renwick y Bronston T. Mayes, “Organizational

Politics: An Exploration of Managers´Perception”, Human

Relations 33 (1980), 79-100.

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